Cities play dates

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I would like to explain something real quick I view the cities as the states kids it just makes sense in my head okay
Now let's get into the story Also, this is a side story to New York and Georgia.(sorry if it sucks.)

Colorado was looking for his little buddy he teleported into New York's house looking for Syracuse because she didn't answer his call which is weird because she usually did. Colorado walked around the mansion looking for any member of the New Georgia Family "Hello anyone home" the centennial state shouted he made his way through the kitchen and looked out the kitchen window to see most of the kids hanging out in the backyard.

He went out the back door to see if New York and Georgia were also there as well. He looked around the enormous backyard of the estate.

When he saw New York working on the garden, he walked over there to where the older state was "Hey, New York."Colorado said, startling the older man. The older state grabbed his back and was about to swing when he realized it was Jess Colorado, and then dropped his baseball bat"Colorado what the hell you know better not to scare the fuck out of me like that " New York, shouted "sorry man"Colorado said, New York, nodded, "What the fuck are you doing in my backyard?" News York asked Colorado slightly backed away from New York, and rubbed his neck on the back of his head"I was looking for Syracuse she didn't answer my call when I called her and when I tried teleporting her to me"Colorado said
"oh, she's at a play date "New York explained  for some reason Colorado did not like the idea of DJ at a play date without him "why didn't you call me to take her to the play date?"he asks, generally confused. New York took a deep breath. "this is gonna be hard for ya to hear."Colorado nodded, urging for New York to continue."but she she didn't want you to come" Colorado is beyond shocked "but why?"Coco asked
New York sighed " listen she just thinks that if you didn't have to go babysit her every time she had a play date, you would have more time to do things. Take it from me as someone kids one day they love you the next they want nothing to do with ya "New York said Colorado didn't know what to do his little buddy didn't want anything to do with him he knew this would happen eventually, but he didn't think it would be this soon"well who is she having a play date with?" Colorado asked.

"Nashville and some other cities around her age "New York answered
"how come, Rochester didn't go?"Colorado asked another question.
"cause he wasn't invited and he has plans of Houston and Miami don't ask" New York said, making Colorado look around the backyard to see if Rochester was there and he wasn't.

Meanwhile, at Syracuse, his play date with Nashville

The four or five kids that were invited to this little play date we're all laughing and having a good time
Syracuse hasn't even thought about Colorado she's just having fun with her friends,Nashville and Knoxville and Frankfort all having a good time. "thanks for inviting me Nash."Syracuse said.
"no problem Syra I like hanging out with you. Sorry my brothers and Frankfurt"Nashville said Syracuse shook her head"oh no, there's no problem I like hanging out with you guys"Syracuse said what's a smile as she press the buttons on the controller.
Tennessee came into the room"kids lunch is ready" Tennessee said the kids gathered into the dining room and ate their chicken nuggets

Two hours later

It was time for the kids to go to Home New York and Kentucky came to pick up their children "hey Tennessee I'm here to pick up Syracuse, how was she? "New York, said."she was amazing."Tennessee said then he called Syracuse to come outside to meet her father "hey Dad"Syracuse said as she hugged her father"hi sweetie. Did you have fun?"New York said. He hugged Syracuse back"yes Daddy "Syracuse said smiling.

"all right honey let's go"New York said Syracuse nodded, and grabbed his dad's hand before he snapped them away

Colorado is still at the house waiting for Syracuse to get home so they could talk this out. He heard the teleportation sound. He started to head into the house
"all right honey I should probably tell you Colorado's here he's not too happy with you."Colorado heard New York's voice talking. "Dad why is he mad at me?"Syracuse asked. New York took a deep breath and squeezed his daughter."he's mad at you because you didn't text him all day and he didn't know where you were and so he came over here to find out what was going on. He's also mad that you didn't invite him to take you to play date"New York explained Colorado came into the house they were in the kitchen
"Dad he's not my nanny"Syracuse said she was confused. Colorado was more like an uncle that she hangs out with and actually try to spend time with his niece. New York didn't want to say anything Colorado has been a big help to him over the years"honey listen to me Colorado has helped us out a lot over the years and he may not be an actual nanny. I may not actually pay him to help us out but he has and I have a Lotta respect for him"New York, said"thank you New York I need to talk to your daughter alone"Colorado said in a stoic tone almost sounded like New York. New York nodded and walked out of the kitchen into the backyard to start barbecuing.

Syracuse was expecting Colorado to start yelling at her, but he didn't instead, he just hugged her"I miss you" he said the young girl had no idea what to say "um okay you're not mad at me"she asked
"well, I kinda am mad at you. I just want to know why you didn't want me to come"Colorado says

"Colorado I am physically 12 years old I don't need an adult going everywhere with me"Syracuse said to Colorado, trying to explain why she didn't invite him to the plate eight "I thought you love hanging out with me"Colorado said

"I do it's just I just want to hang out with my friends. I always love hanging out with you think about it if you weren't babysitting me, you would have more time to hang out with your boyfriends or do weed"Syracuse said. Colorado smiled and let go of Syracuse. "Okay I don't have to go to play date with you. I love you sweetie "Colorado said the two of them hugged again. All is forgiven.
And Colorado ended up staying for dinner

The end

Sorry if it sucks I kinda just wanted to get this done because it's been in my drafts for a while

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