Don't fuck with New York's kids part two 

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Nevada and New York were at home when Nevada got a call from Carson City and Las Vegas elementary school

"I wonder why the elementary school is calling"Nevada says as he answers the phone. New York shrugs.


"Uh Mr. Nevada I have some urgent news I need to talk to you about your kids "the principal says

"what happened? are they hurt injured? Do I need to drop off some fresh clothes"Nevada asked a little concerned.

"sir as you know, all the kids brought their Halloween candy in today, but your daughter was playing poker with a few classmates. We would like for you to come in and explain why your daughter is playing poker."the principal said. Nevada tried not to laugh. New York covered his mouth and was laughing.

"OK my boyfriend and I will be there as soon as possible"Nevada says and hangs up the phone"OK babe you heard that let's go you can work your defending our kids magic"Nevada said, grabbing New York's hand and teleporting to his children's school.

At the school

The two of them walk in to the office "OK first things first I want to hear what happened from Las Vegas point point of view"New York says
"Hi Yorkie OK here's what happened. My friends and I were going to trade candy but I decided I had cards with me and I decided and I asked him if they wanted to play cards so we decided to play poker with candy. Then the teacher finds out. ask us who started this game, and everyone pointed at me then I was sent here."Las Vegas says. Nevada and New York look at each other. "one second my partner and I are going to have a word with each other."Nevada stated, Nevada and New York.

"we both agree that gambling with candy is a lot more kid friendly than gambling with money, right?"Nevada asked New York, hold Nevada's hands and says"Yes it's a lot more child friendly than using actual money"New York says Nevada smiles, and gives his boyfriend a kiss on his cheek, and says"OK go show that principal, whose boss"Nevada says, and the two of them walk into the office again.

"OK so you're saying that gambling with candy which is a lot more friendly than using actual money is not good"New York says

"sir, if we let the children gamble of candy, it's gonna lead to some disgusting habits when they're adults"the principal says New York is starting to get pissed Nevada can see that but he's also counting on New York getting mad. New York starts laughing.
"Sir, why are you laughing?"the principal asked.

"oh I just think it's hilarious that the personification of the city of Las Vegas, who may not be physically 118 years old but is 118 years old. and the city of Las Vegas is the gambling capital of the world so it would make sense that the personification of the gambling capital of the world would have a knack for cards or would be good at gambling because she's a personification of Las Vegas and her father is a personification of Nevada and I the personification of New York state. All three of us have lived longer than you, and will still be alive, when you're dead, I understand your concern for the other children but you shouldn't have to worry about Las Vegas because Las Vegas already has a gambling addiction because she is Las Vegas."New York said very calmly, which is way more scarier than him yelling. before the principal could say anything else New York grab Nevada's hand and picked up Las Vegas and left the room.


"where is he?"New York said he was looking for NYC.he went to the penthouse in Manhattan where NYC was living while he was in college.But he wasn't there New York,Georgia and Nevada were getting increasingly worried about their son because they haven't heard from him in a week.
"sweetheart calm down I'm sure he's fine"then rubbing his husband's back

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