A house, kids, and a dog

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Before you start reading this, I would like to say that this is based off of things that happened in the Sims, so currently in my Sims world, California is pregnant with a Oklahoma's baby. Yes, California is a mail, so yes trigger warning mail pregnancy but they also have two other kids. One is also biologically theirs, but it was in the Sims. They call a sciencebaby, so I'm gonna call him sciencebaby.



California's POV
woke up next to my
husband, Oklahoma, who was still sound asleep. I got out of bed quietly, and walked out of our bedroom and downstairs trying not to wake up my kids.
Once I made it downstairs, I headed towards the kitchen to start making breakfast. I grabbed the eggs from the refrigerator, then I crack the eggs into a bowl and mixed them up. When I felt a pair of strong tan arms wrapped around under my waist.

"Morning darlin" Oklahoma said.

"Morning honey, how did you sleep?" I asked my husband as poured the eggs into the frying pan.

"I slept well next to you doll.but how did you and the baby sleep?" He asked me as he moved up his hands to my pregnant belly

"We slept fine, babe."

I said, as I looked at the clock It was almost time for Tulsa, our adopted daughter to wake up and get ready for school. was about to open my mouth when Oklahoma put his finger over it and said;
"I'll go get her. You continue making breakfast." | nodded, obeying.

He chuckled at my nod before kissing my cheek, and going to fetch our daughter. A few minutes later I heard the pitter patter of our dog strawberry, Tulsa and Oklahoma, who is holding a grumpy Sacramento, in tow.

"Morning daddy," Tulsa said.

" Morning sweetheart breakfast will be ready in a few minutes" I said as I moved the frying pan to another burner. I grab the plates from the cabinets. I put the plates on the counter and started serving the food.

After breakfast

After we finished eating, it was time for Oklahoma and Tulsa to go to school and work. I pick up Sacramento from his high chair.

"Come on baby, we got to say goodbye to your sister, and daddy" I said to Sacramento, who was leaning his head on my shoulder.
We were almost at the door when I felt something come up from my stomach. I put Sacramento on the couch and ran to the bathroom.

I started throwing up my breakfast. I hear footsteps entering the bathroom. I looked up to see who it was. It was my amazing husband.

" you're gonna be late." I said. He shook his head." I don't care if I'm late, you're more important." he said, smiling I smiled back, then I threw up into the toilet again. After I finish puking ,I brush my teeth.

" You okay baby?" Oklahoma asked me. Despite knowing that my husband was trying to be sweet, my brain decided to have a mood swing.

" No I'm not Okay I've been throwing up every morning since you got me pregnant" I said I felt tears rolling down my cheeks as I started to cry. Oklahoma pulled me into a hug.

" it's OK darlin, you're doing an amazing job." Oklahoma said, reassuring me that everything's gonna be okay. We pulled away and left the bathroom. I picked up Sacramento.

" All right, baby boy, tell daddy goodbye." I told Sacramento.

" bye-bye dada bye-bye sissy." Sacramento says

" Bye, have a good day at work and school. Love you both." I said I put Sacramento on the couch and put the TV on for him. I went to the kitchen to do the dishes when a little voice says something.

" Dada I tired." Sacramento says. I turn off the sink and turn around to see Sacramento standing and reaching up for me to pick them up

" do you want to go back to sleep?" I asked Sacramento nodded. I pick up my toddler and carry him up the stairs to his room.

" Here you go, baby boy, get some more sleep I'll come wake you up before I go to the vet with strawberry" I said, as I was tucked my son in bed. I went downstairs. Continue to wash the dishes and grab myself a snack

About an hour later, I called my brother Colorado to come over and babysit Sacramento why I take the dog to the vet.
" Thanks for coming over bro. He's asleep in his room just tell him that daddy had to leave and couldn't wake him up." I told my brother as I was hooking up the dog to the leash
I checked in at the vet strawberry and I waited for the vet to call them in

" So what brings you in?" the vet asked me.

" well strawberry here got into a fight with a squirrel and got bit so my husband and I decided that we need to take him to the vet as soon as possible just in case" I explained


" I'm home " I said to no one in particular when strawberry and I get home, I let strawberry off of the leash, and let him run around for a bit, and I sit on the couch and try to take a nap

" oh, you're home" Colorado says as he's coming down the stairs I sit up on the couch.

" Where is Sacramento?" I asked my brother, he sat down next to me.

" I just put him down for a nap" Colorado answered my question. I nodded and got up to go to the kitchen to make a pizza because the little fetus inside of me is hungry. I decided to make myself a pizza and waffles when the pizza is ready, I took it out of the special pizza oven that we bought when I decided I wanted to have a little business run from our front yard

"Oh pizza" Colorado says as he comes into the kitchen tries grab a slice of my pizza I slept his hand

" No, this is mine" he backed up and put his hands up, showing he didn't want to argue with the pregnant guy. I grabbed a slice of my pizza and ate it and then my waffles were done. I growled at my brother to say don't you dare touch my waffles.

Later that day

" Honey I'm home" my husband said I get off off of the couch to give my husband a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

" How was work and where is Tulsa?" I asked him about our daughters whereabouts.

" oh, she ran upstairs to do her homework when we got home. Something happened at school she doesn't wanna talk about it." he tells me I gave him a worried look

.' I should probably go talk to her even though I can't climb the ladder anymore.' I thought to myself.

" well, we don't want to push her to tell us what's going on. i'm sure she'll tell us eventually." I I told him he nodded in agreement

" well, I'm gonna get dinner started and you can just sit there and relax" Oklahoma says as he walked into the kitchen

That's all for now


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