Chapter 35

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(Argus, Nighttime)

Back inside the Boot, Cordovin walks into her office and throws her scroll onto her desk. With a sigh, the woman looks out her window, surveying the city and the smoke rising from it. She scowls as an Atlesian officer announces themselves after entering her office and giving a salute.

Atlesian Officer: "Ma'am, I came here to give a situation report."

Without sparing a glance, Cordovin responds back.

Without sparing a glance, Cordovin responds back

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Cordovin: "Proceed."

The officer then gives a rundown of the aftermath of this incident through their scroll in hand.  

Atlesian Officer: "The breach in the wall has been temporarily sealed though, long-term solutions would require more time to implement. Of the 23 Huntsmen who reported to the breach, only 11 survived and of that, only 4 without injury. Reports are still coming in about the total civilian casualties, but early observations note that it could have been significantly worse had breach procedures not been properly implemented. City-wide damages-"

This is when Cordovin cuts off the officer.

Cordovin: "Argus can deal with its own finances. I care about relevant information. What's the status of the base?"

The officer is surprised but, yields by scrolling through their report.

Atlesian Officer: "Well, the base was completely untouched. We expended 48 rounds of ammunition from anti-air batteries to kill three aged Manticores. As of this, we are officially down to 25% base personnel with another 5% expected to leave in the next shipment. 45% of the heavy equipment and 85% of the light equipment have been transferred out. We have been seeing a drain in power across the board, though the engineers are attributing that to the ocean walls which are due to maintenance. But as per your approval, the maintenance equipment was already sent back to Atlas in the last rotation." 

Cordovin looks to the officer and asks.

Cordovin: "Anything to be concern about?"

The officer shakes their heads and replies.

Atlesian Officer: "The engineers say the numbers are still within specification."

With a nod, Cordovin slowly glance over to the officer.

Cordovin: "Then continued maintenance will become an Argus issue. Forward the report to Argus City Hall. It'll be on them soon enough."

She pauses for a bit before asking once more.

Cordovin: "And as for my request..."

The officer nods to her desk.

Atlesian Officer: "It's already been sent to your scroll, Ma'am."

And with that, Cordovin goes to sit at her desk and turns to look at the officer.

Cordovin: "You are dismissed."

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