Chapter 14

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Ruby and the gang begin to fade in on reality, the environment starting to come into focus as though once obscured by a thick fog, is now settling down with Jinn gone. They all look to each other in utter shock as they find themselves in late evening as the sun is setting and their makeshift campfire has gone out. Wherever they were, time has progressed. The last person to come to awareness is Y/N, blinking his eyes a few times while shaking his head a little.

Y/N #1: ("No one was there... it was only me and Ozpin in that place...")

He quickly ponders and recalls everything that happened in that dark void he and Ozpin were in. All the things Ozpin has kept to himself from him along with what he and the others learn about Ozpin and Salem from Jinn. Gritting his teeth and clenching his fists, Y/N stares down at the ground below him.

Y/N #1: ("That fucking bastard...")

In the corner of his eye, he spots Neo and Yang flinch into Ruby's red cloak from the sudden biting cold. Blake is the first to ask to the group.

Blake: "Did... did we all just see the same thing?"

Looking at the sky, Weiss points out.

Weiss: "It's almost night... how long were we in... there? What was that?"

Y/N turns to Roman along with Qrow. They see him completely silent with Y/N expecting to hear Ozpin's voice as Qrow address to him.

Qrow: "Oz..."

Roman meets his eyes, concentrates for a second, then shakes his head.

Roman: "He's... gone."

Y/N #1: "What?"

Angry, Qrow steps forward and grabs Roman by the collar, pinning him into a nearby tree.

Qrow: "What do you mean gone?"

Trying to break free from his grasp, Roman sputters.

Roman: "I mean gone! I'm making a call and he ain't picking up!"

Y/N #1: "He just left us?"

Blake: "No, he can't be gone."

Weiss: "If he had his choice in host, wouldn't he have left by now?"

Yang: "Ugh, what are we going to do now?

Ruby cuts in, interrupting the developing argument.

Ruby: "Ah, guys. We don't have time for this."

She slowly raises the damaged Crescent Rose and nods her head to the treeline. All heads look around to discover glowing red eyes in the shadows of the trees as they hear the growling noises they're making. Seeing what they are, the glaring Y/N takes out his pistols, Crimson and Violet.

Y/N #1: "Beowolves..."

The rest of the group draw their weapons as they begin to circle around the injured Yang and Neo. They point their weapons at the trees as Beowolves begin to move out of the shadows as one of them, with more white bony plates than the others, starts howling.

Y/N #1: "Tch, of course you were the one howling." ("I haven't fully recovered yet. But at this point, I need to take out some frustration on these fucking pests.")

And with that, Y/N starts firing dust bullets after dust bullets at the pack of Beowolves with Blake and Weiss following suit. Blake shooting with Gambol Shroud and Weiss summoning a glyph in front of her to shoot multiple ice shards at the Grimm. During this, Ruby checks on her damaged Crescent Rose's chamber and mutters to herself.

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