Chapter 6

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Flying through the air is one of the White Fang bullheads as inside the ship are Hazel, Emerald, and Mercury. While Hazel is piloting the ship, Emerald is repairing something along the ship's wall, twisting some wires and making sure some parts are in place. Behind her is Mercury, who is in the middle of shadow boxing the air. Every punch, kick, and step he makes gets more and more on Emerald's nerves. Eventually, she becomes so pissed that she turns around, shouting at him, while pointing a screwdriver at him. 

Emerald: "If you're not going to help, can you at least not help in a way that isn't annoying?!" 

Mercury shoots back, while doing a kick.

Mercury: "You're not the boss of me."

Emerald: "I'm in charge of making sure this flea-ridden contraption stays in the air and that, by default, makes me in charge. If you want to fight down there, keep doing what you're doing."

Her remark just makes Mercury shrug nonchalantly.

Mercury: "Meh."

This just make Emerald explode in irritation and stress.

Emerald: "Are you really that confident in yourself or do you have some kind of death wish!?"

Mercury pauses and thinks over her question before casually responding back.

Mercury: "Both, I guess. I just take things as they come."

Staring at him in some level of bafflement, Emerald asks.

Emerald: "Is there anything you actually take seriously?"

Once again, Mercury thinks it over before shrugging and replying.

Mercury: "Comics. I like comics."

His response just makes Emerald infuriated as she tosses the screwdriver onto the ship's floor.

Emerald: "Seriously?! Comics!? We're about to get our asses reamed! We're coming back empty-handed, Mercury. She and Christina doesn't like failure. Ugh, what are we going to tell them when we get there?"

Nonchalantly, Mercury quickly replies back.

Mercury: "I am going to get down on my knees and beg for my life."

This reply makes Emerald visibly confuse when looking at Mercury.

Emerald: "W-What?"

Rolling his head back, Mercury looks at her as he proceeds further.

Mercury: "I value my life more than my pride. If Cinder understood that, she'd still be alive and 'maybe,' we wouldn't be coming back empty-handed." 

Hearing this, Emerald steps up, pointing a finger at Mercury's face.

Emerald: "Don't talk about her like she's gone."

Mercury just bats her hand away from his face.

Mercury: "Oh, please. I didn't see her come up that lift. Only Blondie holding a dead Spring Maiden and Salem's love child next to her. Might as well face it, Em. Regardless of what happened down at that vault, Cinder bit it down there. Move. On." 

He then turns away, heading towards the cockpit of the airship to talk with Hazel only for Emerald to follow after him and retorts back.

Emerald: "We don't know that! She could have just been injured down there, we didn't have a chance to go check!"

Sighing, Mercury turns back to face her.

Mercury: "And if she's alive, she may as well be dead. The cops will have her dead to rights for all she has done and Salem's not going to waste time sending Tyrian or even Christina to break a failure out of prison."

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