Chapter 17

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In the clearing of the woods by the frozen lake where the Beowolves were killed by the old woman and are still dissolving into tar-colored skeletons. Y/N, Ruby, and the gang are staring at her in awe. The old woman is bend over, pushing at her back and complaining after throwing it out during her onslaught on the Grimm. She turns to the crew and speaks loudly.

Maria: "What are y'all standing around for?! Get your gear in order! We only have a few minutes until the rest of the pack shows up!"

Y/N #1: "Wait, you didn't killed all of them!?"

The crime boss steps in.

Roman: "Now wait just a minute-"

Only for Ruby to cut him off.

Ruby: "We don't 'have' a minute. Everyone, grab what you can. We need to head out now."

Y/N #1: "R-Right. Let's go, guys!"

As he said that, Y/N begins pilling at some of the dropped supply bags along with Ruby only for the two to realize that no one else is moving. Trying to get their attentions, Ruby shouts.

Ruby: "Guys!"

Blinking to awareness, Blake points to the relic at Ruby's waist.

Blake: "I'm sorry but, are we not going to talk about what we just saw?"

Eyes widen, Yang chatter due to the freezing cold as she huddles close to Neo with Ruby's red cloak.

Yang: "Raven..."

In turn, Weiss mumbles in understanding.

Weiss: "Raven was... right."

Y/N speaks up once more.

Y/N #1: ("Tch! Raven.") "We can talk about it later."

Stomping his foot, Roman shouts back.

Roman: "Like hell we can, Y/N! Did you see what that old coot has been hiding from us?!"

Ruby snaps back to the crime boss.

Ruby: "Yes, we saw! I saw, Roman but, she's right that there are probably more Grimm on the way!"

Scowling, Roman retorts to her remark.

Roman: "Have you ever heard of stranger danger, Red? I've met plenty of huntsmen, plenty of crooked ones. Like those Rogue Huntsmen. She could have us walking away without our kidneys for all we know!"

His remark makes Y/N shift his attention to the old woman, pondering if she is a Rogue Huntsman, then he'll have no choice but to take her down only for his train of thought to be interrupted by Qrow stepping in and speaking. 

Qrow: "You haven't met this one. Maria Calavera. The Grimm Reaper."

 Ruby raises her head to that, looking at the elderly woman along with Y/N in utter awe. 

Ruby & Y/N #1: "Whoa..."

Maria turns to them, her face still serious.

Maria: "Introductions are nice and all, but we're wasting time. Pick up the pace! We're burning daylight!"

Ruby's faces go from a flash of awe to serious. She then turns to Weiss and gets her attention.

Ruby: "Weiss. Hey, Weiss. I need you to focus, okay?"

Weiss stares at her blankly before snapping back to alertness, gathering one of the supply bags and dropping to lift Ruby up to her feet. As she does that, Y/N turns to the supported Ruby.

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