Chapter 10

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Underneath the rushing snow and wind, the train is plummeting down the mountainside only moments after Ruby cut the train's car connection for Team JNR and the passengers to escape through the tunnel. From the back and lowest, Yang is having her metal arm dug into the side of one of the carriages and being drag down the side of it by gravity. Blake is doing her best to keep herself stable by swinging from pieces of debris to pieces of debris with Gambol Shroud's ribbon. Near the middle of the fallen train cars, Weiss and Roman are gripping on for dear life to opposing gangway ladders. Roman is not only gripping that but, also holding onto Neo's hand, who had opened her umbrella to float and almost swept away in the disaster. 

Roman: "Hang on, Neo!"

Meanwhile, Qrow lands on the door of one of the carriages just as the one above it slams down onto it, forcing him inside. He jumps over through the center of the train car before turning into a crow and flying out the other end. 

At the very top and front of where the train was severed is Ruby and Y/N, who managed to hook themselves onto the roof of the train car they're on top of with their respective weapon. As they do that, Ruby struggle to keep track of everything happening around her. Weiss watches as a Manticore comes bursting out of the snow, catching Blake off guard and knocking off her swing.

Blake: "...!"

Quick on her feet, Weiss slides down the side of her compartment and stabs her rapier into the roof, summoning a black gravity glyph to keep herself in place and one that safely locks Blake down on the same train car. Unfortunately, further down, she sees Yang beginning to fall and Weiss has to expend extra effort to summon a third glyph and keep her grounded as well. Weiss is visibly sweating at keeping all three glyphs in place and it's made even more stressful as a Manticore comes flying in behind her to kill her with a second one following closely behind. Before these Grimm can reach her, Ruby and Y/N see this and Y/N swiftly draws out Violet and Ruby shifts Crescent Rose into its rifle mode, willingly let herself fall as she opens fire on the Grimm. The first Manticore is knocked away and so is the second one but, as Ruby is falling, a broken beam from the bridge comes sliding in to crash against the carriage she's sliding down.

Y/N #1: "...!"

Seeing this, Y/N extend his hand, grabbing Ruby's wrist and pulling her towards him and away from the falling beam. She barely dodges in time but, her Crescent Rose is caught between the beam and the carriage and is damaged, locking it in its rifle mode. 

Ruby: "My baby!"

She then extends her arm to reach for Crescent Rose before grabbing it while, Y/N help her stay in place. With all her might, Ruby manages to pull her weapon free just in time for the beam to continue tumbling down. Yang see that the beam is about to fall on top of a stunned Blake as Yang looks to Weiss.

Yang: "Weiss!"

With a quick nod, Weiss quickly release Yang from her gravity glyph so Yang can spring up and punch the base of the beam, shattering it into splinters all the way up its spine and saving Blake. However, this sends Yang falling into the avalanche's flurry. Neo, seeing Yang in danger, swiftly close her umbrella and plummets after her. Roman, still gripping to one of her legs, yells to her.

Roman: "Neo! Neo!!"

He's then forced to let go. After assisting Ruby in balancing herself, Y/N's red eyes widen upon seeing Yang falling off with Neo following after her. 

Y/N #1: "No!!"

He then uses Ruby's semblance to turn into a black spiraling blur and dash over to them.

Ruby: "Y/N!"

Neo skydives though the chaos after Yang, flipping and running along the fragments of the bridge into the snow with the black blur that is Y/N following behind. Roman, having lost his balance and his grip, falls forward, landing on Weiss's back and breaking her concentration on Blake. Thankfully, Weiss maintains her own gravity glyph and managed to recover in enough time to lock down Roman as well. However, Blake barely manages to clear her head in time to sling her ribbon into the debris and reorient herself. Too low to ascend anymore, Blake focuses on slowing her descent with the fallen collateral train cars. Up with Ruby, she's barely balancing on the side of one of the train cars when in the corner of her eye, she spots a Manticore charging towards her. 

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