Chapter 34

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Team RWBY+Y/N are making their way to the smoking part of the wall, getting closer and closer to it. With Weiss riding with Ruby on her moped, while Blake and Y/N are riding with Yang on Bumblebee. As they grow nearer and the smoke get more visible over the rooftops, Ruby starts pre-planning with her team. 

Ruby: "Okay. So local Grimm are Manticores, Beowolves, and Ursas but, none of them should be Majors this far north. Only Minors. What we have to watch out for I think should be aged Manticores. They can still be pretty smart like back at the train." 

Yang yells back, asking.

Yang: "Think this is related to the Lamp?!"

Shaking her head, Ruby answers back.

Ruby: "We'll find out later!"

The team turn a corner and pull up to a plaza built next to one of the large doors on the wall, discovering the door sliced cleaned off its hinges. Grimm are flooding into the city and while that's alarming to the team. In fact, it's not as overwhelming as the Fall of Beacon, but it's far more similar to the Vale Breach, though to a lesser extent. 

Y/N #1: "..."

Though, to Y/N and his team, a tragedy is still a tragedy. That said what is more alarming are the number of heavily wounded and dead Atlassian soldiers and huntsmen littering the plaza, having been sliced and diced. They spot a Atlassian soldier facing down a figure in the smoke. As they rush forward up the road to the bend as the soldier tries to shoot the figure. Time almost freezes as the soldier and the smoke are both cut in two, revealing Adam, beaten up, torn up, and enraged. 

[Still wearing his black blindfold

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[Still wearing his black blindfold.]

Team RWBY+Y/N hit the brakes, screeching to a stop, the squeal of their wheels catching Adam's attention. 

Adam: "...!"

There's a moment where their eyes meet Adam's jaw droop with surprise along with the team.

Blake: "Adam..."

Y/N #1: "How?"

Almost immediately, Adam rushes towards with his red katana at the ready. Seeing this, Ruby screams.

Ruby: "FLOOR IT!"

And with that, the team take off down the bend of the road. As they burn rubber, Adam dashes off after them. Not a moment later, Team RWBY+Y/N have to maneuver through gridlocked and panicked traffic while the ever-agile Adam jumps from car roof to truck roof, using his boosted aura to keep pace with them. Even cleaving through cars that get in his way with broad swift swings of his blade, while the drivers are still inside. Seeing this, Y/N was about to do something until he and the rest of the team hear a roar nearby. 

Team RWBY+Y/N: "...!"

They turn to see a small group of Manticores, charging deeper into the city. In retaliation, Weiss use her glyph to repel the Grimm, firing five cyan lasers which takes it down one of them. This is followed by Blake and Y/N, using their guns to shoot them down. All while Yang is doing her best to not let her panic and fear get the better of her as she concentrates on the road. During this, the red-eyed Y/N manage to mimic Weiss's semblance as they slowly mow down the Manticores. 

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