Chapter 19

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(Several Minutes Later)

Inside the farmhouse, Qrow is sitting in the kitchen, already two glasses deep into a bottle of whiskey taken from the liquor cabinet. He pours himself another glass, drinks it, and then lay his head down on the table, looking at the bottle and playing with the lip of the glass bottle. A moment later, a reflection of Ruby normally walking pass the room he's in from the glass of the bottle. 

Qrow: "Hm...?"

He blinks and pulls the bottle closer to look at it only for Y/N, Ruby, and Weiss with Ruby still being supported by Weiss. Ruby takes one glance at Qrow and furrows her brows angrily and asking.

Ruby: "Weren't you going to check out the cellar?"

Qrow sluggishly drop his head in their direction and responds with a mumble tongue.

Qrow: "I was... exploring the liquor cabinet first. No harm, no foul."

Y/N #1: "Qrow, you never said you would check the liquor cabinet."

Qrow: "Cellar... cabinet... same thing..."

Ruby rubs her forehead, clearly annoyed with him but, Weiss pulls Ruby towards the cellar's door, turning to Y/N.

Weiss: "Come on, Y/N."

She then turns to Qrow, dryly saying.

Weiss: "If you're going to do that now, do it next to the fire. Just not too close, your breath might ignite."

Rolling his eyes, Qrow get up from his spot, grabbing the bottle and walking out of the kitchen, leaving the glass cup behind. Y/N stares after him, visibly concern over his behavior. Ruby also watches him go with a mixture of frustration and sadness. Weiss turns to Ruby, next to her, asking.

Weiss: "You doing okay, Ruby?"

Ruby: "It-It's fine."

Still holding his pistols, Y/N walk towards the cellar's door before saying.

Y/N #1: "Let's head inside."

Putting away one of his pistols, Y/N goes to open the door as Ruby raise her scroll, using it as a flashlight. Y/N does the same before walking down the stairs first with Ruby and Weiss following behind with Weiss guiding Ruby down slow and steady. However, Ruby's flashlight runs out of juice and turning off instantly.

Ruby: "Damn it."

Weiss: "Don't worry, I'll use my scroll."

After a couple moments of walking, they reach the bottom of the stairs. Ruby spots a light switch and goes to flick it with her free hand. Once she does flick it, nothing happened.

Y/N #1: "Aaand it doesn't work. Great."

Ruby's action earns a raised brow from Weiss.

Weiss: "What did you think would happen?"

Ruby responds with a shrug.

Ruby: "Something could go right today, I don't know."

They then swept the room with their flashlights, finding a well-furnished bar and a wall along one side that's clearly been patched over with different bricks, and a storage room beyond that. Ruby looks at the bar and complains.

Ruby: "Of course there's a bar."

Wanting to cheer her up, Y/N adds on. 

Y/N #1: "Hey, there might be some edible food around here."

Ruby: "I guess so."

Weiss silently puts Ruby down on one of the stools as Y/N search around the place with his flashlight in his scroll. Weiss wants to help with the search but turns to Ruby and comments.

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