Chapter 29

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(Evernight Castle)

Mercury is exiting the training room, wiping his sweat down off with a towel. Inside the room, Emerald is laying on her back, clearly exhausted and covered in bruises from a tough training session with Mercury. Hazel walks into the room, past Mercury, getting a grunt of acknowledgement from the younger man. The burly man approaches Emerald and comments dryly.

Hazel: "He giving you a tough time?"

Staring at the ceiling, Emerald shift her eyes to Hazel before replying, breathlessly.

Emerald: "He doesn't pull his punches... or his kicks."

Hazel nods and picks her up by her arms. He rests her on a nearby bench and pulls out some bandages from his pockets. Emerald notes humorously.

Emerald: "You carry those around with you?"

Hazel smiles as he grips her arm, causing her to flinch.

Hazel: "I don't feel pain, but I'm not invincible."

He begins to patch her up with the bandages and there is quiet before she works at the nerve to ask him something.

Emerald: "Why... did you take responsibility that wasn't your fault?"

Without missing a beat and staying focused on his work, Hazel challenges back.

Hazel: "Why did you sell out Cinder?"

Emerald sputters at that.

Emerald: "I... I mean..."

Hazel calms her down.

Hazel: "It was rhetorical."

There is quiet once more until he continues to tend her wounds and then elaborates further.

Hazel: "I indulge Cinder on her plans. I could have pressed her harder to delay, and I could have... yada, yada, yada."

Before he continues, Hazel takes a deep breath.

Hazel: "You follow orders. I help make the plan. When you break it down, I'm the only person that can take responsibility. And it's better me than you or the kid."

Emerald looks gloomy and mutters.

Emerald: "Cinder's plan could have worked."

The burly man replies back.

Hazel: "But it didn't and both of you did what you were supposed to do. It makes no sense for you to shoulder the blame."

His remark make Emerald go quiet and Hazel finishes bandaging her, sitting on the bench beside her. Eventually, she asks once again.

Emerald: "Are... are we doing the right thing?"

Hazel gives her an annoyed side eye before responding. 

Hazel: "Sounds like something you should have asked yourself earlier."

 She grips her head and shakes.

Emerald: "When I was... Cinder, she..."

Hazel rests a hand on her shoulder.

Hazel: "Take it easy. I figured as much. You actually reminded me a bit of my little brother. Always eager to please, never quite thinking ahead." 

Emerald looks at him angrily.

Emerald: "And what's that supposed to mean?"

He just smiles as he answers back.

Hazel: "Always getting yourselves into trouble... tell me I'm lying."

A bit dejected, Emerald backs down as Hazel continues.

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