Camping 2

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after that night in the tent everyone started to ramble on about how we even do it in a forest, and cant even wait till we get home. you and Colby didn't really care about them talking about it it just got annoying. so when they stopped going on about it, it was nice not to hear them talking about it constantly. we were on our last night in the woods so, tonight we would all be going to a little cabin.

it seemed really nice in the photos and it was also pretty big. it was going to be by some other cabins so, we will probably meet some people. it wasn't that long of a drive, it was about 30 minutes. you all took down your tents and packed your backpacks then, put them in the car. you all got in and started another drive, the scenery was so pretty, this trip has been really fun so far. "Jake i swear if you get us lost again" Corey said looking right at him from the passenger seat.

"dude i told you it was the gps fault" Jake said of course blaming the wrong thing again, making you laugh and shake your head. once you all got there the driveway was cute. it had rocks placed down and some decorated trees for the holidays.

as you actually got to the cabin all of you looked at each other as everyone got out of the car. "bro what is this place" Corey said laughing. "what did we pay for" you said confused, "don't judge a book by its cover" Jake said hesitantly, scratching the back of his head. it was obviously a wood cabin but, the roof looked like it was going to fall in, the walls didn't even match up and they looked very old. there were spider webs everywhere, vines that looked like they were coming from inside the cabin.

the stairs did not look trustworthy at all, and the roof also looked like a different type of wood that was not even explainable. we all got our bags slowly trying to avoid going in and being disappointed, just by the outside you couldn't even imagine what the inside looked like. we all got our bags and headed inside, Jake was first, he opened the door and made a shocked face.

"no fucking way" you said as you stepped in. it was the nicest cabin you have ever seen. it had fairy light hanging, a huge kitchen and living room and a very nice brick fire place.

it had a small staircase leading up to one room, it was cutely decorated for the holidays. it was definitely nothing like the outside. you all picked out our own rooms. you and Colby sharing. you and Colby unpacked your clothes and got ready to go out to eat something. you had barley any service so you guys basically just had to drive randomly trying to find food. you all went downstairs and ended up driving 45 minutes to a little buffet thing. it was really nice, and cute.

you guys paid and left, going back to the cabin. once you guys got there you all went inside and decided to sit on the couch and lite a fire. Tara got the matches and lit it, we all sat on the couch and started to talk. this has been really fun for everyone since there was no phones to go on, and we could just talk and made jokes, no one was distracted.

Tara had brought hot chocolate so we all had some next to the fire. we had all decided to go on another walk since we don't really go out to the forest where we live. we all got our jackets on and shoes and headed out the door. the only source of lights were your phones and the lights the trees had on them. "if i get eaten by a bear today" Corey said shaking his head, him being the only one who didn't want to go on the walk. we got to a little path with a dirt road, we decided to walk down it knowing we probably couldn't get lost.

Tara screamed making everyone's attention on her, "Jesus what" Colby said looking at her waiting for a response. she put her finger up to her lips making us all go silent. i shook my head not understanding whats happening, all of a sudden a person, dead ass came from the trees.

we all looked at each other shocked, "hey!" the man said enthusiastically. "hi?" we all said scared, "i'm John i'm staying here for awhile" he replied still very happy. everyone nodded but he seemed nice, "nice to meet you" i said smiling at him. "you too" he said back. "well i'm going to go back to my cabin now, stay safe" he said. we all nodded and Corey looked at me, "y/n what if he was a murderer!" he said scared.

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