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One Year Later

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One Year Later...

Life as Beta has been different.

Within a week of us coming back from and Valin in the process of healing, he handed the Beta title over to me. He still helps from time to time with different things if Lance and I get covered with paperwork, and even trains still to his best abilities. Most of his time has been spent charming Chelsey and helping out as he can be a kid himelf at times at the daycare center from what Raine has seen on days she can still be there working when not busy around the pack. We are all happy for him though just having the company and small relationship.

I am a dad of two girls. Aysun has been such a wonderful big sister and growing each day. Elisna just turned a year old a couple months back. She is a calm little one but can start babbling when told no if she wanted an extra cookie after already getting three.

Still can't get over how strong Raine is. Watching her juggle everything with me when we got the Beta title to giving birth has amazed me she always kept her smile. Every second I could, I was there helping her through any tasks she needed while pregnant with our youngest pup and I still help her all I can.

It may not have seemed like much during training but to officially have the title did change things. Something I am thankful having Raine with me by my side through it all.

Our pack has grown in the last year as many have had babies. A new generation to grow up and take over for us. We have several different species within the pack now that range from the size of us wolves and tigers to as small as foxes. Everyone seem happy here and everyone gets along.

The rogues were still an issue for a couple months after taking the bruin down or at least the main bruin. Slowly that area has become back to normal with the occassion one wanting to cause troubles. Something that will never change.

"What are you doing?" Raine's voice speaks up from behind me.

Fido not here. Fido has nothing to do with this. I refuse to be in dog house. He shakes in our mind.

I clear my throat and stand up. "Nothing at all." I smile at my mate as our girls hide behind my legs giggling.

"Sure." Raine crosses her arms with a smile on her face.

Elisna runs around my leg and waves her chocolate fingers to Raine. "Mommy!" She laughs.

Raine picks her up and then moves behind me. "Just where did you two happen to get the pudding from?"

"Papa!" Aysun is quick to tell Raine.

"Seth you know dinner is about ready. This could ruin their meal." Raine smiles with a sigh.

"I just gave them a small spoon of chocolate pudding. So that's what two tablespoons worth?" I smile sheepishly. "You know I can't handle the tears."

Raine laughs and pats my chest with her free hand. "I know. I know." She kisses me quickly.

"Am I forgiven?" I smile as she nods.

"You already know you are." She nods and kisses me quickly again before pulling back. "Now let's get you cleaned up and at the table." She looks to Elisna in her arms. "You too Aysun."

"Okay Mommy." Aysun gets up from their small table in the living room with hers and Elisna spoon that had the small amount of dessert on it.

I help place food on the girls plate and get to cutting it up for Elisna. We all eat dinner together before I help Raine clean the kitchen while our daughters play in the room in the corner with some toys. The doorbell rings and I walk to answer it. We have officially moved into the Beta house as well within the last year, as Valin said it was only right and needed something without stairs to make it easier on him using the fake leg too.

"Hey my sweet boy." Ma stands by the door. "Would you and Raine mind if we take the girls for the night? Callie is wanting a sleep over for her birthday."

Raine comes up and nods having heard.

"Of course Ma. Let me go grab Elisna's bag. Are you sure you want her to come too?" I ask Ma.

"Yes I want both my granddaughters there and Callie will too. She loves Elisna just as much, and I will watch her and get her in bed at the normal time." Ma smiles as Elisna toddles out with Aysun as she reaches up for Ma.

I walk up the stairs and grab their overnight bags from their rooms. Making way back downstairs. Ma is going over party details with Raine for Callie tomorrow. Callie doesn't know it and had only asked for the sleep over with Aysun and Elisna because she thinks things are to busy for a party so we all have agreed to surprised her with one.

Raine and I kiss our daughters heads before Ma takes them over to her house where I see Lance going up their stairs. Callie runs out of the house seeing Ma with Aysun and Elisna, it makes me smile when Callie picks Elisna out of Ma's arms and then takes her and Aysun inside.

"What will we do tonight?" Raine asks me once we close the door.

"I got some ideas." I smirk and pull her into my arms.

I got some suggestions. Fido wags his tail in our minds.

Our lips meet before Raine pulls back. "That was to quick of a kiss there, Love." I growl lightly.

Raine's eyes gleam with mischeif. "Catch us if you can then Beta." Her eyes flashing with Cryilla too before they take off.

A laugh escapes me when she squeals seeing I am chasing after her. My hands wrap around her waist and she laughs as our lips meet again, making her laughter turn into moans.

"I am so happy I came here." Raine smiles looking up at me.

"So am I." I kiss her face lightly.

"Would it be weird to say love and fabrication brought us together? My love for you once I just stopped being scared and the fabrication because the lie is what got me to know we needed to run which lead me to here." She looks at me and I think on it.

"That would be true." I smile.

If anything I promise to always protect her even though she could be stronger than I am if shifted in her second form. She may not need my protection now but she will always have it, just like she will always have my love.


Hey Hey Guys!!!

Thank you to everyone who has reas the book! Truly hope everyone enjoy!

Thank you to everyone who has reas the book! Truly hope everyone enjoy!

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