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A scream rings out through the otherwise calm night

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A scream rings out through the otherwise calm night. Raine and I both jump out of bed while following the whimpers coming from Aysun's room. Raine turns on the small lamp on the dresser while I walk over to Aysun tossing in the bed, her legs moving as if running while laying still.

"Aysun?" I gently call out and her eyes open wide when I rub her arm.

Tears instantly fill her eyes that dart around. I pull her into my arms and rock her back and forth as small sniffles come from her.

"Here you go honey." Raine gets down on her knees in front of us with a glass of water. I hadn't even realized she had left the room while I sat on the bed with Aysun.

Aysun pulls away from me slightly and I can feel my shirt wet from her tears. Fido whines inside my head, not liking Aysun crying. I can only hope that a short time of being with us that she may start having easier nights as this has happened twice now, one for each night she has been with us. Even though her days have been filled with fun the dreams happen.

"It is okay honey." Raine rubs her arm after helping her to drink.

Aysun shakes her head quickly and cries even harder.

I panic and Raine stands up taking Aysun from me.

"What is the matter? Hmm." Raine hums lightly.

"I just got you. I-I can't loose you." Aysun barely gets out through her cries.

"I'm not going anywhere though honey." Raine frowns and sits on the bed with Aysun.

"But my dream." Aysun starts but can't talk anymore as she sobs.

"Honey, take a deep breath for me. Okay?" Raine motions and Aysun mimicks her. "There you go. Now, it is all just a dream okay? You are safe and nothing to worry about."

Aysun shakes her head as her brown curls bounces against her unicorn pajamas. "It not me. I lost you the bad man took you from me."

Raine looks up to me with wide eyes before looking back at Aysun. "It is just a dream." Raine whispers while rocking Aysun.

Before long, Aysun is back asleep and I help Raine lay her in bed. We pull her covers up and turn the light off. Once back in our room Raine looks at me while I change my shirt since I can't sleep with my shirt wet from tears.

"She doesn't know what is going on. Everyone has been very quiet about it around her and at the party today with your family and my sister with Ethan, we all focused on being happy."

I turn to Raine and nod. It is true it has been the one day there were no speaks of everything going on as we all focused on Aysun joining our family. She was spoiled with many gifts from everyone and how she doesn't have double of some toys is a shock factor to me. Aysun even got Ethan and I to have a tea party with her without a single complaint, I don't think anyone would be immune to her pleading eyes.

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