31. Blazing Sun

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Two nights Seth has been gone now

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Two nights Seth has been gone now. Yesterday I went to the daycare center and done my job but Chesley told me to take it easy today since I started getting jittery the last hour before I leave for the day. She isn't upset but understands how it is with everything going on it could be major for me and Magnolia.

Magnolia seems to be a little jittery but not anywhere as much. She just wants to see if they can find out anything about us that we never knew. Not that I can't blame her that is part of my jittery nerves but also because I have missed Seth after being close to him then to go without him, basically feels like if someone is a smoker and just stops cold turkey.

"Where you off too?" Magnolia skips up next to me.

"Just walking around enjoying the weather. Chesley told me to spend the day relaxing and just what I need to do that she had the kids for the day."

Magnolia nods. "It is easy to tell you are up tight. Can't imagine how it must be with your mate being gone."

I sigh and look up to see the white clouds in the sky.

"I got something to cheer you up though." Magnolia wraps her hands around my arm.

"What is that?" I smile barely at her to see her bounce in her spot.

"So once I got paid, I found this amazing service that makes the cooter cat baby butt smooth. Something you should try out and can also guarantee Seth would enjoy things even more."

"Just where did you find this and what is it? He enjoys me just as I am I would hope since he never mentioned it before but I do shave."

"Yeah but there is a shop in this pack that has special services and can make it super smooth and not leave any prickle feel like a razor tends to leave behind. A major plus is it will not grow back so fast like shaving does."

I tilt my head. "Okay show me the way." I shrug.

Magnolia takes me to the shopping center of the pack and we walk in a small building. The atmosphere is so calming as the scent of lavendar fills the air.

"Here for a waxing?" The woman smiles asking.

"Waxing?" I look to Magnolia who smiles with a nod.

"Raine here would like what you have for the special. I was telling her what your able to do and well she said it sounded nice."

"First timer then." The woman tries to hide her smile with a cough. "No worry Hun it will be a whole new experience and I just love when I get new comers."

I swallow and narrow my eyes are Magnolia.

"Follow me Hun. Just pull your pants and underwear down for me and place this here garment under your bum as you lay down on the bed." The woman instructs.

I follow her instructions and being wolves it doesn't bother me with showing since it is second nature to us all. Guess we are part animal in that way but it isn't a big deal when we shift back and forth.

The woman goes over a list on instructions and what she will do as she places on gloves. "It is a good thing you hadn't shaved in a couple days so there is enough growth to do this." She looks once she warned me she would.

"I was going to this evening since Seth should be back tomorrow maybe but it does tend to grow fast."

The woman hums. "After a couple services here it will slow down the progress in how fast it grows back since waxing helps takes out the hair follicle."

A incredibly hot sensation is spread over my sensitive area in a small amount before she places something over it. Now this doesn't feel comfortable in the slightest.

All of a sudden a ripping sound fills the air. My skin burns a moment later but what gets me is how it stings.

"Burning rocks what the hell is that!" I clutch the side of the bed and raise up. "That feels worse than when in my wolf's form and we sat on a pile of rocks that were in the blazing sun all day."

Magnolia holds my shoulder down as she has faced me with her back towards the woman doing everything down there. Magnolia snickers making me throw her daggers with my eyes.

"This is waxing Hun." The woman giggles lightly. "I can stop if you wish?"

"No it's okay you can continue just wasn't expecting that." I huff a little as they all laugh. I really feel strange like maybe I should have known this but I really only know the basics on how can tend to self care since it wasn't like anyone taught Magnolia and I, just a simple maid told us how to wash as children and then we learned the lawn care by reading in a book.

Rip by rip. Pretty sure part of my skin is gone with. Burning increases and at times the woman had to go back over a spot. Hisses and growls come from my lips as I mentally curse the waxing things to the depths of hell, honestly.

"All done. This should help." The woman speaks up before she shows me some form of lotion and spreads it over my entire area. True enough it helps slightly but not completely. "Now if you don't like this I do offer laser removal, but it is done in sections which also will have you use a numbing cream."

"There is numbing cream? Wish I could've gotten that for this." I exclaim making everyone laugh.

"Oh Hun, we can't use the cream when waxing it could cause adverse reactions with the wax melts I use since I prefer to use the sensitive ones." She laughs lightly. "I can say the more you wax the less painful it will become the first time is typically the worse just as when losing virginity."

Magnolia laughs. "Well we both lost our waxginity before actually having the fun lost of virginity."

I pop her arm just as I sit up, but my reply gets stuck in my throat as everything is painful. Sliding my pants back on, I growl under my breath it is the most painful feel as my panties and jeans rub everything.

"The swelling will ease within a few hours." The woman speaks up as I was fixing to ask.

"Thanks." I smile and pay her. I mean I can tell it is smooth as a babies bum but is this truly worth it is the question.

Magnolia snickers when I walk out of the room and my legs can't stand to touch each other.

"I wonder if that is what one would walk like if thoroughly screwed." Magnolia teases. "Guess you are getting practice."

"It is." The woman laughs lightly in a friendly tone.

"Is this normal to have the burning and pain from it?" I ask look to them.

"Don't worry Hun, some people are more sensitive to the waxing then others. This will ease within just a couple hours. Here take this and apply it one more time in an hour and it will heal things faster."

We wave and leave the shop. Magnolia takes off to helps start the pack dinner. I slowly walk around the houses hoping no one is around to see me.

My hope dies when I hear Fayla call out. "Dear are you alright?"

 "Dear are you alright?"

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