44. Trucks Don't Fly

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The only warning I get as little feet patter against the floor as our daughter runs past me while I whip up dinner for the three of us. Come and gone with mini giggles filling the house.

I shake my head as I didn't even catch sight of her this time but I do see Seth as he slides by in his socks chasing after Aysun. Not truly sure who is the bigger kid currently our four year old or my mate. This has been the life since we had ice cream then walked around a bit more both of them started getting hyper.

Since being home it has been a game of chase with these little truck toys in their hands, it started once Aysun 'crashed' hers into Seth's to which he claims he has to do back now but hers is pink and to pretty as Aysun claims. Seth could easily catch her but it is a fun game for them both. I don't even have the heart to say trucks don't fly when I see them having so much fun and that is what imagination is for.

A knock comes on the back door and I open it to see Fayla and Callie. "Hey come in." I smile.

"We wanted to bring over some dessert." Fayla smiles.

"Aunt Sherry and I made them today when I went there with Ma." Callie puts a box on the counter.

"What did you make this time?" I ask with a smile.

"Crepes." Callie claps her hand.

I hear giggles and little feet once more along with the 'zoom' starting to come out of Aysun but she stops suddenly. She is quick to come up behind me as she shyly waves to Callie.

"Hi Luna Fayla." Aysun waves to her.

"Oh honey no Luna you are family now."

"Family?" Aysun tilts her head and Seth rounds the corner.

"Yes, sweet girl. Fayla is my Ma, meaning she is your grandmother." Seth smiles.

"Grammy." Aysun smiles then walking over to hug Fayla.

"This here is Callie, my baby sister." Seth hugs Callie then Callie moves to hug Aysun.

"I remember you I think from when you came for daycare but not much."

"We used to color a little together." Callie smiles at Aysun. "You are very pretty."

"So are you." Aysun blushes. "So your my Aunt?"

"Technically yes." I reply for her.

"Mommy can we go play in my room?" Aysun looks at me.

"Yes you can." I smile and Aysun takes Callie's hand before they take off and I hear them laughing a moment later while pulling some dolls out from the sound of it.

"She is so cute and I'm so happy for the both of you." Fayla hugs me and then pulls Seth in for a hug.

We pull out of the hug just as my alarm goes off that it is time to take out the rolls. So I get those out and check on the chicken casserole while I had the oven door open.

"It is hard to believe you're old enough to have adopted and become a father." Fayla sniffles and I pass a tissue a moment later. "Thank you." She smiles then looks to Seth. "You sure make me feel old." She huffs a moment later. "I didn't have a four year old at your age of eighteen but I got pregnant and gave birth to you."

Seth chuckles and I pop his chest. He coughs trying to cover his laughter as his mom sniffles back her emotions. "You're not old Ma."

Fayla huffs. "Sure. Sure."

"Grammy!" Aysun screams running to her, as she still has so much energy that I wonder is coming from the ice cream cone or what.

"Yes little Aysun?" Fayla smiles wide and catches Aysun.

"You got to come see what Mommy and Papa done for me. I got my own room and Callie even likes it too. I wanted you to see it." Aysun squirms until Fayla lets her down and pulls on her hand.

I laugh lightly as Aysun leads Fayla to her room. Callie stays with Seth and I in the kitchen.

"What do you think of Aysun?" Seth asks Callie.

She smiles. "I love her already and so very happy she is here."

"So are we." Seth smiles.

It isn't to long before Fayla come back to the kitchen and Aysun had found even more of her toys that has her attention currently so she stayed in her room.

"Would you like to stay for dinner?" I ask as I take the casserole out of the oven.

"No, no. You both need this time with Aysun and alone. I didn't mean to intrude in the first place but Callie wanted to bring these over and Sherry wasn't going to intrude. She hopes that you bring her by soon though if she doesn't get time to come here and same for Auntie." Fayla looks to Seth and I.

"You know we will Ma. We thought about a little welcome party tomorrow for Aysun to where the family and ones close to us is here and she can get familiar with them all. Kind of something for her before it is set for Raine and the others to try to regain their memories the day after tomorrow." Seth gently talks.

"Sounds perfect. I will let the others know then once you guys tell me if a definite or not."

"I think it is a definite." I smile and Fayla giggles then claps.

"This is going to be so much fun." She hugs us all and Callie does the same before they leave.

"I will get our plates ready if you can get Aysun cleaned up and ready for dinner." I smile as Seth says he has it. "That also means playtime has to wait until after dinner."

"Now you're just a kill joy." Seth teases while he walks to our daughters room, making me laugh.

Not long I hear giggling as Seth walks in carrying Aysun under his arm. Shaking my head, I put the plates on the table. If this is my life now I can't wait for more, this I will soak up with greed and not feel guilty over.

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Will Raine and the other regain valuable memories?

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