6. Time

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After I had cleaned up and made it back downstairs, Ma had a plate of food on the counter

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After I had cleaned up and made it back downstairs, Ma had a plate of food on the counter. There is a part of me that is unsettled and Fido pacing is not helping at all.

Can't help it. We don't know how mate is. Mate need anything, we don't know. He whimpers lightly.

"Ma could I get another plate by chance?" I ask Ma as she is working on placing Callie's dinner plate on the table where she waits for it.

"Of course." Ma looks back to me and frowns lightly. "Are you expecting a guest?"

"Uh, no, not coming here but I just want to take a plate to someone."

Ma nods. "Not an issue you know I always make extras not knowing who all may show up as Auntie, Valin, even Levo and Sherry stop by and you wolves seem to be able to always eat."

I get a small forced laugh out and Ma grabs an extra plate. With two plates of food and both covered, I get out the back door and make way to the infirmary. I stop and go back to the warrior shed. I know where Uncle Levo placed the bags from Raine and Magnolia, so I need to see if there is at least something clean for them to wear.

Once I have clothes over my arms, I walk to the infirmary with everything once again. Now I don't have any of the under pieces as those were in a clear bag labeled as such in their bags and I was not prying to look or sniff if any where clean. Tells me though one of them is a neat, tiddy person or at least a little organized if their bags were any given clue but which one may be like that is where I wouldn't know.

I open the door and a pack nurse looks at me. "Seth, what a nice surprise you hadn't been here in a long while."

I nod with a smile. "I haven't since I last done the medical rounds in learning new subjects."

"Well what can I do for you?" She smiles.

"Could you possibly give these clothes and food to Raine and Magnolia? I'm not sure if they are sleeping or settled in currently."

"They were resting last I was in after the doctor cleaned both of them up. He wants them here tonight at the very least to make sure the one gash doesn't get infected and to make sure neither is sick in anyway after being rogue and not knowing where all had been, even us wolves catch things." She laughs lightly.

"You can take them in." She points to the door they must be in.

"Uh, I will let you take them in as I don't want to possibly scare either of them." I whisper lightly.

She smiles lightly and nods. "If you are sure?"

I nod and then place the clothes and food down on the counter. "Is there any cleaning products for them to have for use?"

"Oh yes in the closet there." She mumbles and folds the clothes in a neat stack instead of the way I had them laying straight out over my arm.

I walk to the closet and pick out the basic washes and make sure they are unopened. Seeing a couple other little things I figure they may need, I may way back to the counter where the nurse was.

"I will get this in there to them." She smiles having everything in her hands now.

"Thank you." I mumble and watch as she pushes into the room.

My ears pick up light chatter and I quickly make way back out of the infirmary as I don't want my scent to linger to long as I already fear my mate is scared of me. So I don't want to seem overbearing but I wanted to make sure she and her sister had enough food. I know what they gotten earlier and seems as though the plates were super clean when we went to speak with them. Extra food wouldn't hurt.

My feet make way back home and Fido seems to be more content. We were able to get just the slightest of smells when that door was opened. We both would have preferred to have been able to see her but neither of us want to scare her.

Maybe food help? Food is love language. Book said that once. Fido hums and I try not to laugh.

He tends to read with me at times from the way it feels and also because he will give suggestive commentary to the material or ask questions he don't understand something on.

I thought all wolves do this but apparently they don't from what others have told me. Just lucky I have a stronger connection with Fido from possibly the early shift in life. He is just a friend I always knew I had when I didn't have any others before coming here and even here he is the closest friend I have. Others are nice and I have friends but my time is took up training and such so the little time I have I spend reading something rather than partying, that is just something I do on occassion.

"Here is a plate for you." Ma holds one out no sooner than I close the door behind me.

I take it. "Thanks but who is to say one of them wasn't mine?"

"There isn't but I figure you gave them to a couple ladies named Raine and Magnolia." Ma tilts her head with a smile. "Lance was telling me about them after Callie ate and left to play in her room."

I nod while placing the plate down. It does smell good and finally seems like I could eat after knowing Raine had more food. Ma sits across from me and placing her hands on top of each other while a smile forms on her lips. My fork stops midway to my mouth at her expression.

She knows. Fido states.

"Lance mentioned Raine is your mate." Ma states.

I place my fork back down and nod slowly. "Yes, but I don't know what will happen Ma. She won't hold eye contact for just a few seconds and when I moved she flinched. It feels as if she is scared of me and I don't know what to do."

"Give her some time from what Lance spoke on they have had a rough little bit."

"What if she rejects me?" My voice comes out light and breaks slightly.

Ma huffs. "Now that I wouldn't see happening Seth. You, my son, are what any mate would want and everything you come by so naturally you are so caring. You are fiercely loyal and protective. Plus you are already showing the type of mate you will be without a second thought. Try not to think of the negative but instead continuing what you are doing, she will come around in time."

"What do you mean already showing?"

"Seth, you took them food before you, yourself ate tonight."

"Yeah but we ate at Auntie's earlier and that was supposed to be supper but you cooking again I just took advantage wanting her to have more to eat if she wanted." I shrug.

"Auntie's dinner is two in the afternoon and they way everyone here can eat that is basically a second lunch." Ma laughs. "That though is showing how you're already a wonderful mate to her Seth."

"Your mom is right Seth." Lance speaks up rounding the corner.

I nod and take it all in. Time. A word I am really coming to dislike as there is what seems like an never ending amount of it and it's just a way to saying who knows when something may happen.

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