56. Bite It

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For the last week we have been training, even Magnolia and I have been working on our strengths

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For the last week we have been training, even Magnolia and I have been working on our strengths. When shifted in the second form is when we are at our strongest so we know if anything happens we can go to that form.

Cryilla has embraced the extra side with a tail wagging. She even suggest we shift into the second form from time to time as she gets excited with what we are capable of.

There has been talk about the plans more with the high ranks. Right now as it stands there is mass causlaties results both ways. If we lure them here then innocents could be caught in the cross fire which makes my heart hurt so much worse. If we were to go there we could loose warriors by going to the bruin pack.

Cryilla suggested a plan once but I hadn't brought it up because I fear it would cause everyone to get their panties in a twist. This plan is where we go in the middle of the night and attack.

"There is nothing more we can do. Hunters have been spotted along with rogues but they hadn't had luck finding the five of you yet." Lance sighs.

"I still say we go there." Valin starts again.

"I agree." I start in before anyone can say anything more, but I can tell my words shock everyone.

I take a deep breath and stand from the couch. "What if we go in the middle of the night. Not many of us but the five of us that know the area and a couple trackers or warriors with the highest senses in scent and vision."

"Love." Seth sighs. "It wouldn't be safe."

"But is any fight safe? At least if we go at night we have a higher chance of being successful. Plus if the five of us go we know the area better than you guys and not everyone of you as high ranking officials can go." I canter.

No one says a word as my words sink in.

"Who would you take?" Lance looks to me.

"The original five of us from there as long as Rafel wants to come."

"You know I do. I feel the same as the rest of you in wanting my revenge." Rafel growls and shocks us as he is a gentle tiger too with more compassion and caring.

I nod. "Then Manto, because he had been there the once with you and is a excellent tracker. After that maybe Valin since he thought of such a plan too and being strong could help us in areas of fighting and his command works almost like Lance's since he is Beta currently. Then a couple warriors." I shrug.

"Your opinion?" Levo looks to Seth who has gone quiet.

"As a high rank in training, Raine's idea is the most logical without huge numbers of loss on our side. Seems more like a simple in and out mission."

"But?" Lance tilts his head.

"Not that I want anyone going off like this. However, looking at things Valin has been right about going there but Raine's spin on his plan makes the most sense. It would be a way to end the threat and they wouldn't have to worry about who could be coming for them while getting their revenge." Seth sighs as he sits in the chair by the desk.

"Okay so if this is the plan followed through then I want at the very least five warriors to go with." Lance gets up and goes through his papers in a drawer. "Chan, Lusio, Serta, Granger, and Zevt are the best ones to take with you on this mission."

"So that easy you agree?" I can't help but ask.

Lance shrugs. "That is part of being Alpha is listening to others and honestly yours is the best plan. I am not ashamed to say that my ideas aren't always up to par and that is why I make sure we have these meetings rather than just demanding as some Alpha's do. Same as I have begun teaching Callie and Seth has seen how to do Beta roll."

"So if I bite the dust this mission he will step it up and be Beta and not just in training." Valin smirks.

"Really?" Levo and Lance growl.

Valin shrugs. "Everyone has their time to bite it."

"Yeah well I am not ready to loose my friend yet so come back you dumbass." Lance shakes his head while Levo agrees. "Oh and if you are ready to retire the roll he is patiently waiting no need to go off and get killed."

Valin laughs. "I know. I know."

"I can tell the warriors to be ready as soon as you want to go. This being your mission, you tell me and I will have it done." Lance looks to us.

I look at Magnolia, Ethan, Jirus, and Rafel.

"Tonight." I state and they nod. "The sooner the better honestly I want this done."

I listen as the others agree. My eyes catch when Seth takes in a deep breath. Our bond flows with different emotion but worry and pride are the top two I feel from him.

"Alright. I will tell them and Manto as well."

"I will get to packing a bag." Valin walks out of the office and everyone else follows.

Seth takes my hand in his as he guides me from the office. We walk into the woods to our spot where the trees stand tall in the small area as bushes surround the rest. I couldn't help but laugh when Seth told me he made this spot just for him and I before I ever got here.

"You have to take care of Aysun while I am gone for tonight and tomorrow morning."

Seth nods. "I will. You know Ma will be over with Callie more than likely."

I nod. "That will be good for the both of you. You're mom isn't scared to calm you down and tell you to sit."

Seth chuckles. "She never has been but I was always a good kid growing up."

I smile and kiss his lips.

Seth pulls back and his hands cup my face. "You must promise to come home. Do not go into something you can't handle. If it is to much then you guys get back here and we will figure something else out."

"I will." I nod and he exhales as he seems to calm.

"It is hard letting you go now I get how you felt before."

I laugh lightly. "Isn't easy is it? But this is a way I can get my revenge as we do this and if you're there our minds won't be focused, besides Aysun needs one of us here with her."

Seth's eyes glaze over. I wait and then he laughs. "Lance linked and said Ma wants Aysun and I over there tonight with them while he agrees with her."

"That is perfect."

"Come on Love, you need to eat before you leave." Seth guides me home and Fayla stands there with Aysun.

I smile and take her in my arms and hold her close.

Hey Hey Guys!!!

How is everyone enjoying?

What do you think will happen next?

Will things go so easily planned for Raine?

Thank you to everyone reading!

Thank you to everyone reading!

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