15. That Is New

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"There is nothing more we can do to help her nor Magnolia, but every little information helps

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"There is nothing more we can do to help her nor Magnolia, but every little information helps." Lance sighs. "It breaks my heart to see her so unuse to what should have been normal food."

"I don't think the pack was wolves though that is still weighing heavy on my mind." Valin adds and we all nod.

"She will get used to it all and I am glad with the progress we made today too. We both got to talk and I know her fears as well as how I felt." I let them know.

"Always make sure you validate her feelings Seth." Lance nods with a smile.

"I will. We want her, Fido and I, there is nothing to stop us unless she is the one to do that."

"I don't see her stopping you. During the entire time I was here she would sneak glances of confirmation from you too and lean towards you. That is her wanting to trust you, her mate, even if she may not completely realize it." Valin pats my shoulder.

"What is strange is rogues have not crossed our border but just testing the lines." Lance sighs.

"Didn't Magnolia state she knew of the issue in this area?" Valin frowns.

"Yes but we hadn't spoken much on that just getting their history." I add in while they nod.

"Let's see if they won't mind speaking with us on it." Lance stands from his home office chair. "I would also like to make them permanent members. Do either of you object? Levo is good with it when I spoke with him earlier."

"I don't." I shake my head. "If anything I want them to both stay here."

"Here. Here." Valin raises a glass of the amber liquid he has been sipping from.

I walk down the stairs and hear Ma ask Raine how she is doing. Not like I really should snoop but I want to know.

"Today has been smooth and my sister told me to go for it not to let my fear stop me, which does help. For years it was just her and I then to have a pull to come here I know why now but at first I was nervous or scared to get close but hearing everyone talk and the way things are done. I feel silly for being scared."

"There is never a reason to feel silly, Dear. Every feeling should be validated and for good reason for you and your sister trust can't be easy but going outside of your comfort zone is very strong of you to do so. Most of the time I don't promise much espceially if it is something I can't control but I know my son and can honestly promise you will be happy. If you're never not then come to me because he is never to old or big for his pants that this Mom wolf to set him straight."

I silently chuckle at Ma. Never in my life would I do something to purposely hurt Raine so she would never have a reason to set me straight. Although the thought is scary since I have seen Ma get down right scary when someone has done something massively wrong.

I round the corner and Raine looks up smiling at me. "Hey is it okay if we went up to talk to Lance and Valin? Maybe link your sister over?"

"Sure." She tilts her head and her eyes glaze over. "Magnolia will be here in a few minutes she said."

"Good." I nod.

"Everything okay?"

"Yes, just wanted to ask a couple questions we didn't get to really know what you both found out on the rogues causing issues in this area." Lance spoke up coming in behind me.

"Oh, yes." Raine stood up. "Well, on the journey here we heard a couple talking at a camp about helping out others."


"Others are what Raine and I started calling the ones following and chasing us. We seen one night them huddled around the campfire and they never heard or smelled us, which I found strange." Magnolia speaks up as Ma walks back in. Raine jumps slightly not realizing Ma had let her sister in already.

"It was all in order to find us and keep the packs focus else where so that the others following us could do it easier. Also for if we got caught the pack would turn us over to them as an easy deal by taking rogues off a packs hand." Raine finished.

"This just gets more and more confusing." Valin huffs while scratching his head.

"Yeah I am at a lost. Currently, no one has came asking if we took in rogues." Lance replies.

"We lost them about two days prior to making it here." Raine frowns.

"Yeah and that was not easy at all. The closer we got to this area Raine's wolf wanted to come here just the pull working from her mate bond with Seth even at the very large distance of about a hundred miles roughly. So, we made a plan and stayed in our wolves only for two days. Those two days we ran in circles making one track just to turn around and make others to where they have issues following us then once we thought it would be safe we came here." Magnolia explains.

"Smart plans." Lance and Valin reply at the same time.

"Rogues wouldn't work for nothing though." I speak up after taking it all in. "They would want to be paid in some form especially since they have literally nothing and most are unstable where even in the human population holding a job makes it almost if not impossible."

"They could easily be given money or game." Raine looks over to us. "I know our 'Uncle' had money from the speaks  I heard on occassion with him forgetting I was in the same room. Or even game from hunts because the warriors we know were skilled with hunting but never a kill like a wolf would do, they were skilled with bows."

"Now that is new." Valin looks over to Lance.

"No wolf would have use for a bow when it comes to hunting." Lance muses.

"Neither would just about any other creature out there." Valin adds in.

"So what in the heck could they be that we may possibly be having involvement with in the future should they find my mate and her sister here in our pack?" I look between everyone as my mind goes wild.

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