"To Take.."(26)

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Williams's POV- 

There is a draft here, at the old building, that manages to get inside from broken windows and walls and flooring. 

Since Cassidy and those other dumb bitches aren't here, I'm assuming they either went to a different abandoned location, or my house. Well, Michael's really, but I live there. 

It has been a few days since my escape, and I am waiting for my remnant to fully restore before I make an attack. 

It has to be a helluva good one, since I'm almost certain everyone knows I am no longer contained in that hell. 

And that means everyone is alert and ready for my attack. 

I have had a lot of time to think, not just from these past few days, but also while I was in hell. I have a few plans, but none of them seem quite right. I will not be outsmarted by children. Again. 

Perhaps if I wait here long enough, they will start to forget and that would be a good opportunity, but the less time I give them to prepare the less I have to worry about. At the same time, however, that gives me less time to prepare. 

I stand up and look around the old office. There is nothing really here. Just the old squeaky chair, some security manuals, broken lap top screens, and a rusted fan. 

To make one thing clear, my biggest threat is Cassidy. Not because they have obviously been after me since the moment I killed them, but because their powers are intense and very harmful. As much as I have condoned fire, I don't particularly like it being used against me. Then again, Cassidy is weak on remnant.  

I'm not too concerned about Evan. While he is excellent at making plans, the vast majority as his remnant allows nothing more than illusionary tricks, and working with shadows. Except for one. But that drains him too much for him to use it without it being absolutely necessary. However, just in case, it would be best to simply avoid him altogether. 

As for Michael and Elizabeth, I don't believe Elizabeth would do anything to me physically, and Michael is weak. 

The other missing kids don't have much going for them. 

It would be best if I could get to Vanny so I at least have backup, but I don't know where she is. 

So I have to create something all on my own. 

I don't know the logistics of if this would work, but I might just have an idea. 

Gregory's POV- 

"Alright," Evan takes a deep breath and puts the axe he was using to clear some of the grass against the stairs on the back patio. "That should be fine." 

"Do you not have a lawnmower or something?" I ask, watching him sit down on the steps beside me. 

Evan shakes his head, "Not one that works." 

Goldie wanted to stay inside, because he was worried about what could happen with the usage of remnant and it looks like it's going to rain. 

I'm a little nervous about using remnant, myself. Charlie had said their was no definitive thing I could do, so this could be really dangerous. Evan had said I had a relatively normal amount. Not much higher or lower than he usually sees. 

"So, whatever you can do, I want you to aim it at me." Evan says calmly. 

"What!?" I look him in the eyes, "But I could hurt you." 

"That doesn't matter. I'll probably be fine, as long as it isn't fire. If it is, oh well, I guess." Evan shrugs. 

"No." I shake my head, "That is not 'oh well, I guess'. I don't want anything like that to happen." 

"Well, if good spirits chances are very high that it affects another person in some way. We don't have anyone else for you to test it on. Do you want me to kidnap someone off the street or something?" Evan asks, glancing to the door. 

I continue to shake my head, "No." 

"Then what do you want to do about it?" 

"I don't know,"

Evan sighs, "I'll probably be fine. I think it's more important for you to figure out what you can do and how to control it than to just wait and see." 


"And if something does happen, and you hurt me, I asked for it. So go ahead." Evan stands up and goes to the clear spot he made in the grass, beckoning me to follow him. 

"That doesn't make it any better," I mumble, following after him. 

"Calm down and focus your energy. When your really concentrating, there should be this light buzzing feeling in either your head or your heart. Focus on that and bring it forward," Evan takes a deep breath, taking a step away from me. 

It takes me a few moments, but I eventually start to feel it. In my heart, a gentle pulsing reminiscent to the beating of a heart. Even though my heart doesn't really beat anymore. Like he said to do, I bring it forward, and focus on it. It had been said before that using your abilities takes remnant, but I don't feel anything at all. 

"Wait, wait, wait, stop." Evan moves towards me and gently touches my shoulder. 

"What? What happened?" I ask, looking around me. 

"Hold on, how do you feel?" Evan asks, "Any drainage?" 

"No? I feel fine. Better than before actually." I reply. 

"Okay. Wait just a second, do that again." 

It takes me a few moments, but I focus back in on the feeling. 

"Stop again," Evan shakes my shoulder slightly. 

"Okay," I back away from the feeling. 

Evan takes a deep breath and steps back, "Gregory, you have the ability to take remnant." 

"Are you okay?" I ask, moving towards him. As vital as remnant seems to be, I'm definitely concerned. 

"Yeah, I'm fine," Evan nods, "I've never seen a good spirit with the ability to take away before," 

"Is that a good thing?" 

"It can be," Evan replies,  taking a deep breath, "There is two sides to everything, right?"

"Yeah," I agree, though I am a little confused. 

"And William has a lot of remnant," Evan looks at the ground. 

"So, wait, I could be the key to defeating William?" I ask. 

Evan nods slowly, "Yes, but I'm not going to put you into anything you don't want to do."

"I want to." I take his hand. 

"Then we just need to make a plan." Evan squeezes my hand, "but if anything happens, I want you to get out of there. I can manage myself, but I need you to be safe." 

"Okay," I agree, though I'm not sure I would be able to leave if something happens to him. 

"Okay." Evan confirms. 

We just need a plan. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2023 ⏰

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