"Discovery's And Discussions.."(6)

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Michael's POV-

"You want some wine?" I ask, gesturing towards the kitchen door, "There's a cellar a few rooms over." 

"I'm eleven," Gregory looks at me weirdly. 

"Okay? Sooo?" I don't see a problem here, "What about it?" 

"That's illegal, and I'm not an alcoholic." Gregory sighs. 

I shrug, "You could be." 

"Stop trying to give him stuff he's not supposed to have," Evan enters the room and hands Gregory a bottle of water. 

"Wait- Why can't he have wine? Legalities don't matter, he's technically a vandalizer and intruder." I ask, confused. 

Gregory ignores me and drinks the water. 

"Leave him alone," Evan glares at me. 

"Don't defend him, everything he did costs a lot to repair."  I sigh. "I want an apology and explanation."

"Sorry," Gregory looks around the kitchen, "You had a killer rabbit running around your location, and you machines were flawed. Situationally, everything I did was reasonable." 

"No, it was inconvenient. I would've just hid in the vents until the doors open." I shake my head. Children. 

"We never took care of the other rabbit, did we?" Evan looks around warily. "I haven't seen her in a long time,"

"She's still around?" Gregory seems a little surprised, but continues looking around. 

Odd. How did CC forget about something like that? He over analyzes things too much to miss that detail.  

"What? Have you been slipping up lately?" I ask, confused. "I think all this paranoia is starting to get to your head.." 

Evan shakes his head, "No, no. It's fine, I'll find her." Evan hugs Gregory and starts to leave the kitchen, "I'll be back," 

"You think she's somewhere, here?" Gregory asks, Evan nods and leaves. 

 "You really must be a special snowflake, or something." I stare at the door Evan left from, "I've never seen him hug someone in my non-existent life," 

Gregory seems confused, "Really? He hugs me a lot,"

"You really are a snowflake," I pat his head. 

Vanny's POV-

At this point, I'm not sure if I should just run away, and find my own way out, or just tie him up until he'll give me some damn answers. 

It really shouldn't be this hard. 

"I don't see anyone very often," Noah looks around, "Is this moment trying to subconsciously remind me I don't really know anyone here?" 

"Perhaps?" I sigh. 

"So you're mocking me," Noah makes a crying sound, "and reminding me that I don't know enough people here for anyone to want to help me." 

"No." I shake my head, and turn another corner, Noah following closely behind, "I don't care about you at all. I want to know more about the others," 

"You aren't even real," Noah stops moving. 

"Look me in the eyes, dumbass." I stop and turn to face him, "I am just as real as any of the others in this household. You're going to help me get the hell out of here, and tell me everything you know about the others."

My powers aren't nearly as strong as Afton's. Especially when he's not on this plain of existence anymore. It makes it more difficult to use his energy for my powers. 

Noah shakes his head aggressively, "No. You're not. You're not real!"

What makes him so strong-willed if he's clearly losing his mind? Maybe that's just it, he has nothing left but the idea that he still has his mind. 

I grab his head to stop him from shaking his head, "Look me in the eyes." 

"No. No. No." Noah pushes me back. "I've seen something like you, before. Maybe." 

"Get me the hell out of here." I stabilize myself.  

Noah looks around, "Believe me, I'm just as lost as you are. Supposing that you're real," 

Noah takes a step back. 

"Do you think I'm real?" I ask, Noah seems unsure, but shakes his head. "Then let's get out of here. You and yourself," 

"I don't trust you," Noah looks at me oddly. 

"I wouldn't honestly trust a hallucination either." I roll my eyes behind my mask, "But you want out of here, so let's go." 

"But you're real?" Noah takes another step back, "We aren't the same." 

"No." Obviously not, I'm not as dumb as he is, "But we both want out of here." 

"Not for the same reason," Noah looks at me like he's seeing through me. 

"Follow me," I look him dead in the eyes, "We both just want to leave." 

"Okay," Noah looks around mindlessly, "but I don't like you." 


Cassidy's POV-

"Don't you ever feel like you'll have something better to do?" William asks, behind a camera screen. 

"This is quite amusing," I pull up the panel, it doesn't feel intense enough here. "I would appreciate if you screamed more, though." 

"You'll get bored eventually, and make a mistake." William smiles slightly and flashes something in the corner of the room. 

"I don't plan on it," I shrug, and up the level on a few of the animatronics. 

"I do," William glances at me briefly. "You and Evan can't hold me here forever, you both know that. You aren't as strong as you used to be." 

"Don't pretend you know what's going on," I scoff, "Look around, you aren't as strong as you used to be either." 

William flips through the cameras, "I know what I fell for back there was dumb, and I can assure you I won't make the same mistakes." 

"Be honest, you're a walking mistake, it's what you do." I smile slightly when William starts moving a little frantically. 

"Your bitterness is really pathetic," William quickly flips through the camera, "You're very melodramatic, and really, no one cares. Just shut up already."

"Everything that's happened is your fault," I up the animatronics movement a bit more. 

"And look where you are," William scorns, "Truthfully, this is the first family you've ever had that actually cared about you. The kids," 

"You don't know anything about my past," I put the originals on max. 

"You aren't denying it though," William seems to be almost entirely toning me out, "You're scared to admit I handed you almost everything you wanted so easily. Everything you would've fought so hard for. What do you really hate me for, Cassidy? Everything could be so peaceful," 

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