Chapter One

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Sneaking into the bath house hearing the boys laughing and goofing off in one of the far baths, smirking while sneaking towards them. "You act like children even in the bath," I chuckled walking out looking at them. "Ahhhh!" The three of them screamed while holding their chest. Laughing while pointing at them.
    "You should see your faces," I laughed staring at them. "Hey! You can't be in here!" Tetsu yelled while covering himselef with another towel. "But look I am," I chuckled walking closer to them. "Get out!" Dan yelled throwing a towel at me, making me chuckle more. "I'm going for a ride if you boys want to tag along," I stated turning around. "If not then I might go mingle with the Amamiya brothers," I chuckled walking out the door. "You can't!" I heard Chiharu call before the door fully closed.
     Shaking my head while putting my helmet on and climbing on my bike. Revving my engine some looking back over at the door sighing, before taking off. Speeding down the street feeling all my worries melt away, feeling free once again. After a bit I stopped on an empty road in front of a dying field. Getting off my bike taking my helmet off sitting it down, before pulling out a smoke lighting it up.
    Breathing in its toxins while looking around, exhaling looking up at the sky. Walking into the field some letting a scream I've been holding in rip through me. Smiling when I was done turning around seeing a black van parked across from my bike.

Graoning before pulling out my phone calling Tetsu as I walked back to my bike. "Hello?" He answered. "Stay on the phone," I stated before tucking my phone in my pocket. Standing next to my bike as the van door open.
     Watching as a blonde stepped out with four other men, two of which held bats. "Now what's a girl doing out her all alone?" The blonde questioned while eyeing me. "Five to one doesn't seem like a very fair fight," I chuckled, taking one last drag from my cigarette. "Girls shouldn't fight," He stated signalling two men.
     "Bastards," I huffed ducking under a bat, landing a punch in the mans gut. Throwing my elbow back into the others face before stepping away. "You know ambushing a girl on an empty street is cowardly, right?" I taunted while swinging at another man.
      Watching as the other two decided to join taking a bat hit to the gut, stumbling back. Glaring at the man kicking him in the gut while dodging the hands of another man. Spinning around getting a punch to the jaw and a kick to the ribs, sending me stumbling back but not falling.
     "That tickled," I chuckled wiping the blood from my lip. Pulling out another smoke lighting it signalling the men to come at me. One stepping forwards taking a swing at me, causing me to dodge and grab his arm. Pulling him close to me jamming my cigarette in his eye, causing him to stumble back holding his face.
      "Congrats you're blind!" I excalimed while side stepping one of his friends. Feeling a hard hit to my ribs from a bat, hearing a crack causing a groan to escape my lips. "You guys really don't know when to stop," I groaned glaring at the three men still attacking me.

     Standing up wincing in pain as I signalled one guy again. Punching him in the nose feeling it crack under my fist, sending him stumbling back. Hearing motorcycles approaching in the distance caught my attention as a chuckle emitted from me.
    "Run," I stated staring at the men in front of me. Locking eyes with one as I charged at him, feeling a hit from my side as something sharp sliced across my ribs. "Ahhhh!" I cried falling to the ground. Glaring towards the men seeing them retreating as a group of motorcycles approached.
      "Until next time," The blonde stated climbing in the van, before taking off. Groaning while holding my side as the bikes stopped in front of me. Pushing myself up, stumbling over to my bike groaning with every move I made. "Are you okay?" Tetsu questioned pressing against my side.
    "Oww!" I cried out causing him to step back. Leaning against my bike as pain coursed through me. Moving my hand away pulling up my shirt looking at the slash mark, groaning. Pointing at Chiharu then at my bag on my bike. He quickly stepped forward and opened the bag pulling out a couple cloths.
     "Tape too," I whispered through labored breaths, taking the cloths from him. Pressing them on my side while Chiharu held the tape staring at me. "Tape them down," I grunted staring at him while biting my lip. Nodding before doing what I said, looking at Tetsu seeing him looking me over for other wounds.

     "Cobra is going to meet us at the hospital," Dan stated coming over to us while putting his phone away. "Diner," I stated pulling my shirt down while Chiharu put the tape away. Getting on my bike pulling out my phone calling Cobra while groaning.
     "I'm on my way," He answered. "Diner," I groaned before ending the call. Putting my phone back in my pocket glancing at the others before taking off to the diner. Pain raidiating through me as my bike shook and I swerved all over the road with blurred vision.
      Finally parking in front of the diner noticing Cobra and Yamato's bikes already there. Getting off my bike as the others parked next to me. Groaning as I started falling being caught by Tetsu and Chiharu. They all but dragged me inside sitting me down in a chair, slumping down.
      "My bag," I whsipered pointing towards the back. Naomi quickly appearing next to me handing Cobra my bag. "Cobra, you need to stitch me up," I whispered while he pulled things from my bag. Slowly trying to pull my shirt off failing causing Tetsu to step forward and help me.
      Once my shirt was off he carefully peeled off the tape and cloths, tossing them to the side. Grabbing an alcohol bottle opening it looking at me with side eyes, before pouring it over the slash. "Gahhhh!" I cried out squeezing my eyes shut.
     "I need a cloth," Cobra sighed while stepping foward taking the needle and surgical thread. Yamato coming over holding a cloth out to Cobra while staring at me. "Dab the blood away. The rest of you keep her still," Cobra stated before starting the stitches.
      "Ahh," I groaned flinching once the cloth hit my skin. "Sorry," Yamamto grunted. Clutching onto Tetsu's hand squeezing it like my life depended it on it. "Almost done," Cobra stated. Giving a nod as Naomi pressed ice over my eye. Bitting my lip as Cobra hit a tender spot, causing more pain to course through me.
      "And done," He stated while tying off the stitches. Sighing before letting go of Tetsu's hand, watching him shake it back to life. Chiharu helping me stand up as Yamato grabbed a bandage wrap, wrapping it around my ribs and shoulder. Chiharu helping me sit back down as Naomi started to clean up all my other wounds, Tetsu hovering over her.

    "Tetsu stop hoving, I'm okay," I assured with a small smile. "Tell us what happened," Cobra ordered while washing up his hands. " I went for a ride alone. Stopped on an empty road at a field. Walked into to the field and screamed all my pain out, since I have a lot on my mind. Turned around and saw a black van parked across the street from my bike. I groaned and called Tetsu telling him to stay on the phone before I went back to my bike. The van opened and a blonde got out with his four fighters. I fought them, blinding one I'm pretty sure. They did this too me and ran when these three showed up. Before they left the blonde made it known they'd be back for me," I stated while looking at everyone.
    "Sounds like Doubt," Cobra sighed slamming his fist on the table. "It was Doubt, those slimey bastards," I stated wincing as Naomi bandaged my last wound. "No more going out alone, with them after you," Cobra spoke giving me a serious look.
     "I know," I huffed crossing my arms over my chest. Before more could be said I grabbed my bag and limped outside, getting on my bike taking off. Seeing Tetsu and Chiharu come running out after me.

Beers & Bath Houses: A High & Low FanFiction: Tetsu FocusWhere stories live. Discover now