chapter 148 always aim for the head

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*it's been an hour since the trial started and we see izuku in the witness stand*

Matt:Mr. Midoriya isn't it true that you hate UA

Izuku:I'm mostly neutral, I dislike how they have so much bribe against the Japanese government that they let him do as he pleases hense what happened to me

*Izuku said pulling back his tux and showing his burned skin to the honor*

Matt:yes yes, we all know what happened do you, must've made you angry at the school didn't it? Lost your dream, your relationships, your future

Izuku;and gained the love of my life, peace and true happiness.

*Izuku moved his head and looked at tsuyu blowing her a kiss tsuyu rolled her eyes but Izuku saw her eyes changed to a slightly more softer tone. Izuku looked at the judge*

Izuku:I thought this was a case about UA's neglect of my child your honor

James:as did I. Mr Murdock is there a point to

Matt;just trying to show the court that Mr. Midoriya here is just an angry person that couldn't hack it in the hero game and just out for retribution

Izuku:. . .my god you really don't have anything do you?

*Matt glared at izuku who just grinned. He was ordered to sit back down in his table and that's what he did. Masaru stood up an walked up wih a controller in hand*

Masaru:if it will please the jury your honor. Here's the real reason we are here. I won't call any witnesses, or Mr. Nexus do the stands since I don't need to just watch

*Masaru pressed the button and video after video of eri being bullied, harrased and down right abused was showed. Izuku gave a low growl hearing it was one thing. But seeing it? That was a whole nother beast*

Izuku:now Mr. Murdock I'm angry

*Izuku said glancing at Nezu's lawyer who bless his soul was doing his best but there's little he can do with no evidence*

Masaru:if you'll look at the videos your honor you'll see time after time teachers being awarded of eri's treatment and yet they've never done anything, pardon my French. But for fucks sake your honor

*Masaru said even with how professional he was this was the grandbaby of the family, even his professionalism can only last for so long*

Masaru:all this we were able to get thanks to all the video cámaras nezu has and yet he as a principal he never lifted a finger to help, or calm the violence. Tell me, if that was your child would you like them to be treated this way and be told that your only doing this because of something as ridiculous as revenge? That girl now has mental problem she has do deal with because of the total and complete neglect she suffered on that school.

*Masaru turned around and looked at the judge straight in the eyes almost at the man's soul*

Masaru: My clients wants to make sure this doesn't happen to any other child. This is Nezu's second attempt he has proven over and over again that he doesn't care about the children of his school. For him there nothing more then lab rats for him. I rest my case your honor in your most capable of hands

James:hm. 1 hour break for lunch then we continue with the closing school argument both lawyers get ready for that

*Masaru sat back down blocking izuku's view of nezu on purpose. The judge got up and left to a private room so to not be impartial*

Masaru:hm. Neglect is a serious offense, over 5 years of jail time. But that's not why where here. I don't see that man with 6 children and 8 grandchildren siding with your side Matt

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