chapter 17 fuck izumomo kero

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Spoiler of my hero at the end

*izuku woke up immediately he puked up blood into the floor*

Izuku:fuck that hurt..what happened..?

Yujiro:that depends what's the last thing you remember?

Izuku:crashing into the wall after that i blacked out..tsuyu!!

Yujiro:resting but fine other then a shattered ankle that is already fixed she'll be fine with a lot of rest

*Izuku sighed resting back in the bed*

Izuku:you know I'm surprised you're being so...nice i guess it's the word

Yujiro:why is that a surprise?

Izuku:oh i don't know isn't you're nickname the demon who killed the devil?

Yujiro:yes and you'll join the devil in his forever tomb unless you tell me just what was a civilian doing down there

*Yujiro said smiling his eyes ixuku swore his eyes turned completely bright red*

*Yujiro said smiling his eyes ixuku swore his eyes turned completely bright red*

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*Izuku sighed thinking the best way to say it without costing him his life*

Tsuyu:i can tell you that kero..

*The human and the demon looked and there was tsuyu with crunches*

Yujiro:please do

Tsuyu:after i screamed izuku's name after he was getting his ass whooped pathetically..

Izuku:hey i did win!

Tsuyu:but you got more hurt then you're opponent as i was saying i jumped down to congratulate izuku and that man came and wanted to do...lewd thing to my body izuku got in front of me to defend me but i decided that i would help but i greatly overestimated my remaining strength since I've haven't done any real exercise or fighting practice in 2 years..

Izuku:wait what?!

*Izuku got up too fast making him cough up  more blood in his hand*

*Izuku got up too fast making him cough up  more blood in his hand*

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