chapter 34 epilogue of the first arc

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*we see izuku walking the halls of Tartarus with a box of his possessions saying goodbye to his fellow inmates when he stopped as AFO was wheeled in front of him*

AFO:aw what not gonna say goodbye to the reason you won your fight ?

Izuku:oh don't be such a drama queen i was gonna say goodbye and leave you with a small piece of advice


Izuku:you see the world as a chess board you think you can see everything but really you can only see one side of it, instead make your own chessboard make sure you can know what every tile does give your opponent the illusion of control

AFO:oh and what makes you think i don't to that already?

Izuju:the case that you are here tells me otherwise

*AFO chuckled and gave izuku his hand izuku looked at him with a raised eyebrow*

AFO:no tricks, no deals just a handshake

*Izuku looked at the hand for a bit but shoot it*

AFO:it was a pleasure talking to you in here Midoriya my boy though i am disappointed you won't join me unlike my brother successor i won't force you do to something you don't want to do, may you have a completely normal and boring civilian life

*Izuku just chuckled and gave AFO a hopeful smile*

Izuku:heh here's hopping after all I've been through I've earned a little peace

*Izuku let go and walked away once outside he took a deep breath and smiled as the sun was shining on his face and he saw his family waiting for him, tsuyu walked up first and gave izuku a small peck on the cheek making izuku smile*

Izuku:still can't believe I'm out after 6 years I'm finally free it's..almost unreal

Tsuyu:the fury of reporters sniffling through your house say otherwise

*Izuku chuckled as his aunty fave him a shoulder hug*

Mitsuki:don't worry izu I'll make sure none of does bastards get there hands on you!!

*Masaru walked up to izuku with a calm smile*

Masaru:now that you are a free man what are you going to do ?

Izuku: first have my mom take me to the hospital tol see what drugs they can give me to finally end the unending pain of my arms,legs and back

*Mitsuki flinched and awkwardly let go of izuku's shoulder much to his relief as they walked away izuku stopped for a moment And looked back at Tartarus one las time*

*Mitsuki flinched and awkwardly let go of izuku's shoulder much to his relief as they walked away izuku stopped for a moment And looked back at Tartarus one las time*

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*Before izuku could start to overthink he felt tsuyu grabbed his hand making him look at her"

Tsuyu:it's over, you're out they won't find you, they can't hurt you...she can't hurt you Kero...

*Izuku have tsuyu a small smile and they walked away*

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