chapter 56 S doing what's right for you

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*Izuku froze as the world slowed down the sound came from a woman in trouble and he could tell she was scared by her tone izuku glanced with his right eye at the road ahead for him to go home and just ignore the woman in trouble*

Inside Izuku's mind

*Izuku looked at the alleyway he could see two shadows one obviously in danger and the second in a threatening manner, izuku walked away ignoring the screams shutting his eyes tightly *

Izuku:don't get involve not my business not my problem, your a civilian not a pro hero...

*Izuku muttered bitterly to himself as the blood curtailing screams got louder but suddenly stopped, izuku froze for a second closing his eyes tight before he kept going home knowing someone died because of his inaction*

The next day

*izuku woke up from a dreamless sleep the events of last night still haunting his head as he looked around seeing his room and nobody but himself in the mirror he took a few deep breaths and sat on the bed puting his hands over his face*

Izuku:your not a pro hero your a civilian there was nothing that you could have done....

*izuku muttered bitterly to himself as his hands started shaking a bit in pain izuku grabbed a bottle and took some pills*

Izuku:if you would have helped what could you have possibly done? You're in no shape to help anybody so stop it you have nothing to feel guilty about.....and I'm talking to a mirror like a lunatic, my magneto  i need some coffee

*izuku said to himself before getting up even with sleeping for hours he felt restless, going to the bathroom he did his routine took a shower brushed his teeth brushed his still unkept hair and he got dressed he sat on the bed and puts on the radio as he ties his shoes*

Radio: in other news two bodies were found in a alleyway a mother and her child dead the investigators still don't...

*izuku turned the radio off and covered his face with his hands*

Izuku: couldn't it just be hero news...

*izuku takes a cigarette puts it in his mouth and starts to smoke as he doesn't even look himself in the mirror not wanting to see the reality of the situation rather pretend that he's fine*

Izuku:....stop thinking about it just go to work....time to start the day..

*Izuku got down almost tripping himself at the stairs as his door was knocked, he walked to it opening the door seeing his father there holding izuku's car keys, Chizome eyes widen looking at his son he opened his mouth to try and be supportive*

Chizome:man son..... you look like shit

Izuku:and good morning to you too asshole

*Izuku said taking his keys and walking back inside, Chizome followed his son inside closing the door behind him*

Izuku:staying a bit?

Chizome:sure why not business is slow and Kaina is off on a undercover mission don't mind having breakfast with your old man do you?

Izuku;how are you and Kaina doing?

Chizome:we're not at your mother's and Ryuko's level but we're doing fine what about you?

Izuku: just missing tsuyu really could use her right now so she can calm me down

Chizome:then talk to me, set the table would you

*Chizome sets the table as izuku finishes making breakfast puting there plates on the table*

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