chapter 1 the mistake

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10 year flashback older Izuku as narrator

*We're really doing this? Sigh fine I guess you should know my story it all started on a Tuesday I can still remember the day as clear as day I walking to the dorms after an afternoon of intense workout he was dead tired*

Izuku:Jesus I can't wait to get in my bed..maybe I can get momo to let me sleep with her..

*I muttered to myself a habit I still have to this day anyway I walked inside and found it weird that momo hasn't appeared or even texted me all day but i put does thought at the back of my head not letting it bother me anymore what a mistake that was i walked inside and found it strange to see no one there*

Izuku:anyone home?

*I yelled but got no response i shrugged and walked to my room filled with all might crap if I could go back I would burn them all anyway i opened the door and received a punch to the stomach taking me by surprise that I spit out saliva and taking the air out of my lungs I wasn't giving time to recover as i received another punch at his back hard enough to send me to the stairs falling on them I protected his head until I reached the floor I groaned in pain if only I knew what was in store as I tried to get up and catch my breath that became even more erratic and uneven as his vision was blurry *

Izuku:w...what the hell..

*Before i could say anything else I start choking as vines wrap around my neck and start to strangle as I'm lifted to the air I looked down and see my class and class B looking furious as ibarra slammed me in the ground she lifted me and slammed me again over and over until I was thrown through a window this time it made me spit out blood as I tumble in the ground both classes comes out*

Izuku:w..what are you doing..?!

*I managed to say in a great amount of pain but my question fell on death ears as they came running this time I didn't stay there I jumped out of the way barely able to dodge having no energy*

Kaminari:you're not going anywhere you traitor!!

*Kirishima and tetsutetsu came and grabbed me by my arms keeping me in place as both had there quirks activated I was confused until I heard it*

Kaminari:Indiscriminate Shock 1.3 Million Volts!!!

*He shot it..he shot me with 1,300,000 volts of electricity making me scream in pure agony but I didn't pass out as some sick god wanted to make me suffer wanted me to stay awake through every excruciating second of this torture once he was done both metal skins let me go as I fall I get on my knees my arms and legs black because of the lightning even moving them an inch brings out an immense amount of pain I thought I was over that's when I heard Iida from my back*

Iida:Recipro Burst!!

*He kicked me in the back I screamed as I felt and heard something snapped in my back greater agony I could not feel after that it was but a blur as every single member of both classes used me as there personal punching bag but...there is one moment that will stay incraved in my mind for years to come momo walking up to my now broken body as I fool I thought she would tell them to stop to protect me but she didn't she just slapped me and threw the engagement ring at me I saw nothing but fury and disgust in her eyes*

Momo:I can't believe you were the traitor you disgust me you worthless piece of shit my friends almost died because of you I hope you rot in hell!!!

3rd person

*Painfully izuku grabbed he ring and held it in his fist tears would run through his face If he wasn't in so much pain*

Nezu:oh trust me young yaoyorozu he will

*Izuku painfully turned and saw every teacher looking at him with disgust all might came in first and grabbed izuku by his head and took a piece of his hair taking away his quirk*

Toshinori:I made a mistake choosing you you don't deserve to be my successor you vile villain!!

Older Izuku pov

*All might punched me sending me to the wall breaking it I couldn't even scream anymore and now that I didn't have ofa inside me the pain was twice as much as nezu slowly walked up to me*

Nezu:izuku midoriya you are under arrest for being U.A. traitor and will be sent to Tartarus without trial we have all the evidence that you are the traitor

*I wanted to defend myself by god I wanted to scream for help to defend myself I wanted to scream of a hero to save me but I couldn't not only because pony broke my jaw but I had no one on my side as I glanced around everyone was looking with a mixed of negative emotion the majority was hate and disgust as I closed my eyes finally passing out*

Hours later

*Izuku woke up he could barely move as he was in so much pain he slowly looked down at his body all bandaged up*

*Izuku said as slowly as possible to get the least amount of pain from his broken jaw*

???:in you're new forever home

*i slowly turned my head and saw him*

Stain:hey kid and welcome to Tartarus get comfy you're gonna be here for a long while

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Stain:hey kid and welcome to Tartarus get comfy you're gonna be here for a long while..

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