chapter 96 she is way too young to be this hurt

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Meanwhile with eri

*Eri made it home with a large sigh after another horrible day in school. With mínoka still being suspended and her other two friends getting sick she was left to fend for herself against the multiple attacks of borderline harassment. Most of the day she had to deal with the whispers, the laughs, the words. calling her Eri someone who is a villain survivor that she's harvering a villain. Eri was so tired of it all and she was just glad to be home*

Eri:some home this is..

*Eri sneered and instantly felt horrible for saying that*, it's not mom's fault she has to work so much i shouldn't think like that.... But it's just...i don't know it feels different, dad's home is more warm, more inviting, less....lonely...and here i am talking to myself...

*Eri mumbled to herself as she walked to the kitchen she opened the fridge to find anything to eat not feeling like cooking that's when she noticed something at the back of the fridge, she moved some things aside and grabbed the cold can she took it out to get a better view of it*

Eri:it's a case of aunty kyoka's beers i thought she took them all to her apartment

*Eri mumbled then shrugged just as she was about to throw them all in to the trash a memory popped in to her mind*

Flashback few years back

*We see Eri being watched over by her aunty kyoka, they were in kyoka's apartment as kyoka drank another beer*

Eri:aunty why do you drink so much?

Kyoka:because I'm thirsty?

Eri:mommy said that drink can hurt the liver

Kyoka:honey how do I explain this.... This...drink helps me relax it's a drink that you have when you are stressed out of your mind

Eri:so this stuff takes away stress?

Kyoka:for a few hours if I didn't have this, you and momo i would've killed you're uncle Denki a long time ago

*Kyoka giggled eri making her laugh putting the fact about beer at the back of her head almost forgetting about completely over the years


Eri:it helps people relax...

*Eri mumbled to herself as she looked at the can, the sun coming from the window illuminating it making tsuyu gulp. She knows she was alone in the house for hours, she knows momo would be too tired from work to check on her, she knows this drink will fix her problems aunty kyoka said so. With a deep breath she took one and cracked it open, her heart started to beat faster and faster as she puts the can on her lip. She trembled a bit at the coldness of the aluminum can on her lips as she takes a drink and...spits it all out in disgust, she coughs heavily letting the can fall from her mouth"

Eri:oh God that's disgusting!! Why the hell does aunty drink this stuff? It's fucking burns!!

*Eri fell on the floor in a coughing fit. When she heard the door opening*

Momo:Eri I'm home early ....Eri?!

*Hearing her daughter coughing she went running to see her in the kitchen with a beer can next to her on the ground*

Momo:what the fuck?! you're safety first, punishment later!

*Momo poured eri a glass of milk to take the taste of alcohol out of her mouth, Eri takes it and drinks it as momo rubs her back*


Eri:a...a little...

Momo;ok what in the hell were you thinking?! Beer?! You drank beer?! Eri you're 14!!

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