chapter 29 a hollow victory

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*izuku and toshinori crash landed on us, toshinori grabbed Izuku's head and started beating it over and over the ground*

Izuku: can't believe i used to look up to you when all you have is strength

*Izuku grabbed the ground and took out a humongous piece of the floor and slamming it on toshinori's head making him let izuku go*

Izuku:nor martial arts no brain with a plan no for you is always just punch something if it doesn't go down punch is harder

*Izuku glanced to his side and saw he was already surrounded by spectators and cámaras not to mention the 3rd years the new pro heroes aka his old class*

Izuku:well isn't this just one big happy reunion

*Izuku said bitterly as Iida walked forward his eyes showed determination*

Iida:izuku Midoriya turn yourself in this instant!!

Izuku:turn myself in? Last time i check i didn't escape prison are you so dumb that you don't see the cámaras everywhere this is still  a death match hey yujiro i know somehow you and nezu can hear me if they attack me can i fight back or can I only fight toshinori since

*Izuku eyes shined red and laser shoot out of them making a line just in front of Iida's feet*

Izuku:i would just love a round 2

*Before nezu could respond toshinori grabbed him from the back*

Toshinori:your fight is with me!!

*Toshinori suplex izuku as half of his body was burried in the ground*


*Izuku started floating out of the ground and was flying above them*

Izuku:like i said if you can't beat it you just punch harder

*Izuku glanced at the streets policeman and pro heroes started evacuating everyone while the public cheered for all might but for izuku it might as well be screaming for his death then something caught his eye making him smirk*

Izuku:you know i always wondered what kachan's quirk would feel to use

*Izuku used his new telekinesis powers to lift toshinori with one hand and with the other a truck with a huge gasoline shipment the truck driver jumped out and it's a good thing he did cause izuku no longer cares about casualties*

Izuku:let's give it a try shall we?!

*Izuku slammed both things together while using his heat vision creating a massive explosion toshinori fell on the ground as multiple chunks of metal and debris fell every which way killing announcer number 2*


*Izuku fell down gracefully and looked at toshinori burned body and recovery girl already there healing his broken body*

Izuku:funny you didn't do that to me when class 1A tortured me without a fair trial

*Izuku grabbed a semi healed up toshinori by his hair and dragged him away*

Izuku:so he doesn't get the same treatment i mean it's only fair

*Izuku looked around and saw the Camara man still filming*

Izuku:are we live?

Camara:yes we are were life all over the world

*Izuku lifted toshinori's face to the world*

Izuku:then it's time i pay my end of the deal people of earth let me tell you a story about AFO and OFA

Meanwhile with nezu

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