Chapter 31 the others 1461 days

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*we see izuku eating in the cafeteria
When he felt something cold start to fall from his face as someone spilled*

Inmate:ups sorry you looked so ugly that..

*Izuku grabbed his metal dish tray and slammed it on the guys head over and over while around him a cafeteria fight started*

Izuku:You want some more of this, bitch?

*Izuku was tackled down he didn't resist as they dragged him to solitary confinement inside there his mind started messing with him as he started hearing music*

song:Back in the heezy We could do this all year long I'm just a regular everyday normal motherfucker

*Izuku spend months in solitary confinement for starting the fight*

Song:I told you in the first song, I'll tell you in another I'm just a regular everyday normal motherfucker

Scene change

*We see izuku talking to Tsuyu the talk quickly became heated as Tsuyu jumped izuku and they started making out*

*We see izuku talking to Tsuyu the talk quickly became heated as Tsuyu jumped izuku and they started making out*

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Song:I don't have a girlfriend, my hand's my only lover I'm just a regular everyday normal motherfucker

Scene change

*We see inko presenting ryuko to izuku as her girlfriend izuku smiled at her and they started talking while inko serves katsudon*

*We see inko presenting ryuko to izuku as her girlfriend izuku smiled at her and they started talking while inko serves katsudon*

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Song:One night a week my mom likes to cook me supper
I'm just a regular everyday normal motherfucker

Scene change

*We see izuku being part of a prison riot fighting any guy that made his way*

Song:And Michael Keaton was my favorite Batman

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