chapter 73 la bohemia

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*tsuyu made it back to they're house and walked to bedroom grabbing the kit before stopping at the drawer a small smile appeared on her face as she had to see it again so she opened the sock drawer and there it was*

*izuku had the same problem Ryuko Tsuchikawa had, tsuyu just like inko did the laundry and found the ring now it was just a waiting game, tsuyu grabbed hold of the ring and with her heart beating fast she puts it on her ring finger rubbing the jew...

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*izuku had the same problem Ryuko Tsuchikawa had, tsuyu just like inko did the laundry and found the ring now it was just a waiting game, tsuyu grabbed hold of the ring and with her heart beating fast she puts it on her ring finger rubbing the jewel softly her eyes closes she starts imagining her wedding*

Tsuyu's imagination

*It was Paris the same place izuku proposed was the same place the wedding was taken place they're family and friends were there, inko,Chizome,Mitsuki,masaru, Kaina, tsuyu's teachers friends like Marinette and Chloe, and izuku's friends like a pimp named slick back with his madame, NFY but not lucky not unless he pays her back, Eri was in a adorable flower girls outfit and momo....was there as eri's plus one *

Announcer:alright everybody it's time for the newly married couple do have they're first dance

*Applause were heard as tsuyu walked up to izuku the moment izuku saw her it made it all worth it for tsuyu her dress, her make up her hair it left him just breathless*

*Applause were heard as tsuyu walked up to izuku the moment izuku saw her it made it all worth it for tsuyu her dress, her make up her hair it left him just breathless*

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Izuku:you look stunning my Tsu.. sorry misses Midoriya

Tsuyu:thank you Mr. Midoriya now shall we dance?

*Tsuyu wrapped her arms around izuku's neck while izuku Puts his hands on her waist as the music started to play izuku and tsuyu started to slow dance*

*Song up there*

*Tsuyu rested her head on izuku's chest never before has she's been so happy as she moved her head up*

Izuku:i love you....

Tsuyu:i love you too...

*Tsuyu raised her head as izuku pulls it down they're lips about to touch*


*Tsuyu was taken away from her most beautiful of dreams when the doorbell rang making her jump*

Tsuyu:son of a bitch I'm starting to believe in izuku's theory that whoever is out there has a sick sense a humor kero

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