chapter 106 bang bang shots are fired

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Bang bang bang

*That's all that could be heard the sound of gunshots around the room, the terrible smell filling both our green couple's nose. We see them in a gun range kaina tsutsumi made good on her promise and was teaching them how to use a gun*

Kaina:not bad izuku you managed to hit the chest but you're aim is still horrible you've got one above the head, one on the kneecaps and only 1 bullet managed to hit a vital part of the chest, not to mention you froze for 3 seconds before shooting that 3 seconds that could cost you you're life

Izuku:i know, i know it's just....argh I'm just not used to this there's a reason i hate guns so much

Tsuyu: he's not alone Kero there just....scary Kero

Izuku: terrifying, to have something in our home, the place where we're supposed to be safe to have it under our bed something that can kill another in seconds it's just.... A hard pill to swallow

*Kaina sighed and rubbed the back of her neck*

Kaina: understand where you guys are coming from, i do really. But this is just for safety, a last resort chances are you'll never use it

Izuku:i know i know better to have it and not need it then need it and not have it just....let's take a break ok? Maybe start again tomorrow

Kaina:you guys sure?

Tsuyu:yes, we appreciate what you're doing but it's just a bit much for us right now kero

Kaina:fine we'll try again tomorrow, i have to go anyway i have....plans

Izuku:with my old man?

Kaina:no, a certain student caught my eye and i want to give them my knowledge

Tsuyu:good luck with that let's go Zuku Kero

*Tsuyu hugged izuku's arm as they gave Kaina a small smile before leaving to there car*

Izuku: we'll get better don't worry

*Izuku kisses tsuyu's forehead softly making her close her eyes and hummed enjoying the warmth from izuku's lips*

Tsuyu:i know it's not that Kero...

Izuku:talk to me

Tsuyu;it's just....the very idea of killing someone, sure we've joked about killing our old class....

*They made it to the car and got inside putting on there seatbelt*

Tsuyu:but to actually do it, to pull the trigger and just....end someone....

Izuku:it changes you i know...

*Tsuyu looked at izuku His face was so deep in thought* never talked about it, the tournament Kero

*Izuku puts the keys in the ignition and started the car driving off*

Izuku: because there's nothing to talk about, it was a matter of life or death i either won my freedom or die trying but


Izuku:yes i know that not what you meant....i always refused to end them they still died but at least not by my hands except..... For Grimmjow

*Izuku drove with one hand while the other was holdings tsuyu's hand. Izuku gave a small small feeling tsuyu squeeze his hand for support*

Izuku:i...still see him, see his blood on my hands but at the same time it was something so simple, so quick i was seconds away from dying myself and out of pure luck because that what it was i managed to slip pass him and kill him.... His face....has never left my mind. I don't want that for you Tsu, if someone is gonna pull the trigger i want it to be me who pulls that trigger there's already blood under my fingertips i can deal with a bit more....i don't want you to deal with it...

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