Chapter 67 ( Betrayed )

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As soon as we walk to the outside part of the party I see him and it feels like my heart stops .
Jax is at the bar and he is with Paisley . Her hand is on his .
I don't know which is worst him being with a girl who I know he will never be with again or him being with his ex girlfriend .
I mean. I know he said there relationship was not as much as what everyone thought but they was together for a very long time .
So standing here seeing them togather it hurts .

He looks up he looks surprised.
I know I have not been to a party in awhile but I actually think he could care less .

Paisley probably told him I was stareing at them well I won't be the bud of their jokes

I turn around and walk off .

" Hey Bliss where you going " Grant yells
I don't answer I keep
Walking .
Until I get to the inside bar , I get me a drink a girl walks by with some shots in her hand and I grab one .

" Just help yourself " she says in voice that lets me know she didn't mean it
Which I was in the wrong

" sorry but thank you " I scream out

I take the shot .
I love the sweet taste .

" you may want to slow down" Grant says as he stands next to me

" you may want to sit down because I am not going out there " I let him know

I take a big drink of my drink I pause for a second and then finished the cup

" Whoa I have never seen you like this what is going on " Grant says
I hear the concern in his voice .

I don't want him to worry but I am hurting I don't want to feel like this anymore.

" hey where is she " I ask changing the subject

" who " he asks

How can he not know who I am talking about she is the whole reason we are here

" The girl you been pineing for and are finally going to talk to " I explain

" yes that
Will be later " he tells

" you shouldn't put it off it will only be harder" I tell him

He grabs a beer .
That is understandable he needs a drink to calm his nerves.

" Just tell me who it is now " I demand

" Bliss I said later " he says sternly

I look out into the ground dancing .

Bodies grinding all over each other I never really done that.
I am thankful that Jax and paisley is not out there ,
I think I would actually Throw up .

I get another drink and another .
I notice Grant looking around he must be looking for the girl
He is nervous I guess .
I put my hand on his

" She will like you " I encourage him

" huh" he says
Then he asks

" how can you be so sure "

". Because you are you " I tell him
He has a strange look on his face

I take another drink I look at Grant who is nursing his drink.

I see so many people who are hooking up .
I never did that .
I know Jax did but now that he is with Paisley that is going to hurt way more .

" Maybe I should " I think outloud

" you should what " Grant asks

" hook up " I answer
" with who " he asks

" I don't know I will find someone " I say and get up
But he pulls me back

" don't do something you will regret " he tells me
He maybe right I might would regret it but right now I want to .

" I want to though" I whine

" You told me just yesterday you didn't like anyone " he says low

It is true I did say that and I meant it

" So " I argue
" so why hook up with someone you don't even. Like " he asks
" Because Jax is creeping in my thoughts .
And it not that he has moved on and I ain't it that I know we can never be and how I felt when I was with him I will never feel that again. . So I think I should do something that will make me feel something even though it ain't love or like it is something
Other than
Undeniable pain " I preach

He looks at me blankly

" so he is why you have not been wanting to come to partys " he asks

" yea " I admit
Grant. NOw has a sad look on his face.

He is such a good friend . He can tell I am in pain and he feels sad about it .

" Thanks for being such a good friend " I say and then I lay my head on his shoulder

" There you 2 are I been looking everywhere for you " Cassie says as she walks up

Grant jumps up he gets closer to her .

" she should not be here I can't believe you made me her  to come " he says
He thinks he said it low but I heard him .

" You made him bring me " I ask

" Bliss it is just that you have not been to one I just thought it was time " she claims

" So it is ok to lie to me " I say

" I don't know about a lie " she claims

" you told me do
What I had to just get her here " Grant tells us

I turn toward him .
" so you are not talking to the girl this was all made up right . " I say

" I am not " he admits
Then why was he acting so nervous , maybe he didn't like lying to me .

Either was they both set me up .

I feel so betrayed by my best friends .

I walk away
Grant pulls me by my arm.

" Leave me alone for a bit ok " I say sternly

He lets go of my hand and I walk fast
I don't know where I am going , but I have to get away from them .
I liked to hook up with someone but I need to cool down 1 st

As I am even with a bedroom door it opens

I am frozen and then I am heartbroken when is
Jax and a blonde walking out .

" Jax " I slur

I am drunk but not that drunk that I imagine him here .

" Why are you with her " I say and point to the girl
" Bliss why
Dose it matter " he says loudly

" you are with Paisley " I argue

" I am not with Paisley or anyone yes I hook up but I hook up with a lot of girls but I have not hooked up Paisley in forever , but you know you should worry about your own love life because mine is fine ." He says

And him and the blonde walk away

I feel relief that he is not with Paisley .
But how much relief can I feel when
Jax was coming out of a room with a blonde .

I know he Hooke up with her .
There is just too many emotions tonight .

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