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—Chapter 25—


In his moment of weakness, Jiseon took the time to check on the others. They were holding their own against their attackers well, much to her amusement.

Jake had Mujin knocked out onto the tarmac, blood dripping from both of them as they were both pretty cut up from their bout. Jake was wiping the dark liquid from his face while ensuring Mujin was out for good.

Jungwon and Sunoo had Jahan and Ivan cornered, the two latter having had run out of ammo and surrendered to the other two who stood above them with guns aimed at their faces. They seemed to be in a verbal dispute, all of their faces twisted in disgust as they glared around.

Heeseung had managed to disarm Arthur, holding the shorter man in a tight lock as he walked him over to where the other four were spitting at each other.

All six of them were bleeding quite a bit as well, bullets having grazed their limbs or embedding themselves in non-life-threatening areas.

She noticed Sunoo's arms trembling. He must've gotten shot somewhere along the way but was handling it well. Jungwon would occasionally cast a worried glance at the medic, further proving her theory.

Her attention returned to Dann as he came at her again, though clearly handicapped at this point. She side-stepped his advance, whacking him in the back of the head as he passed her. He dropped like a rock, body crumpling to the ground face-first.

She approached Louis who had yet to recover. He scowled at her as she reached him, cradling his hand which had had it's bones shattered from the force of her bullet.

Jiseon smacked him across the face, the momentum throwing his body sideways and she stepped on his good hand, stopping him from pushing himself back to his knees.

He spat at her, curses flowing from his mouth. She felt the stinging in her forearms and the blood dripping onto the ground in front of them.

A single gunshot echoed around the surrounding area, catching everyone's attention and ceasing the bickering of the group off to the side. A deep cry of pain and surprise instantly followed the loud sound.


Jiseon turned her head so fast towards the commotion that she felt the joints crack as she did so.

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