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—Chapter 28—


Jongho's words stunned everyone listening. It was so silent one could hear the raindrops of the late-night downpour splatter across the massive window embellishing the room.

A sickening feeling of dread began to creep up on Jiseon.

Why was it always her?

Why was it that whenever something happened in relations to the whole mess they were in, it connected back to her?

Her introduction to Enhypen.

Then their mission with Lee Suhyuk and his knowledge of Youngjoon.

Her first encounter with Ateez.

Enhypen's interrogation of her in the warehouse.

Sim Changmin's reaction to her presence in that old house.

Her connection with Kai and the fight with NCT dream.

Youngjoon's involvement with Kingdom and GF.

And now Jongho's accusation of Ateez's mysterious blackmailer being related to her in some way.

She had no words to respond to the young Ateez member and the throb of an oncoming headache began to creep up on her.

She sighed and rubbed her temples, too exhausted to properly process what was happening.

"Ok, I- I don't know what's going on. Update me in the morning. I'm...I'm too tired for this right now."

Jiseon left the room without waiting for a response from anyone. No one attempted to stop her either.

They were already surprised enough that they had managed to be in her presence for more than a moment. A majority of them had only managed to see a flash of her hair breeze past as she ran out the door every day for the past week and a half.

The conversation picked back up after she had vacated the room. She heard the muffled chatter buzz in the air, growing quieter and quieter as she drew further away.

She passed the staircase leading up to the hallway of rooms and instead slipped through the doorway to the basement.

The temperature grew chillier as she descended the stairs, the cold of the concrete floor seeping through her socks and cooling her feet.

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