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The wailing of sirens and honking of horns bounced from street to street, the sound scaling through the city of Seoul, South Korea. Dusk had fallen only minutes ago, and the thousands of tall buildings were already lit brightly, bathing the city in a colorful luminescent glow amidst the dying sunlight.

Atop one of those buildings, a woman lay flat on the quickly cooling rooftop, propped up on her elbows, the steady rumble of late-night traffic reaching her ears. Set up in front of her was a sniper rifle, held steady on its stand.

She was almost invisible, the black hoodie and cargo pants blending in perfectly with the darkening surroundings of the rooftop. A black baseball cap was pulled low over her eyes and the same color face mask covered the lower half of her face. Her long black hair was pulled back into a ponytail.

The woman slipped a silencer on the barrel to muffle the shot when it was to be fired, then peered through the scope into one of the many windows of the nearby building. The only window that was still lit by the light in its room.

It was a large office room, set up with a desk and chair visible through the tinted glass. There, the woman adjusted and aimed the scope's crosshair directly at the center of a man's head, the one who occupied the chair with his back to that very window.

The man didn't move, solely focused on whatever was happening on his monitor, which the woman was unable to see. Every once in awhile, he would shift the noise around, clicking and typing on his keyboard.

"Jaeyun, I have him in sight. Target locked." The woman's low voice rumbled from her throat, speaking faintly into the earpiece adorning her left ear.

"Good. Take the shot." A young man's voice responded smoothly back.

The woman double checked, confirming it was a clear, clean shot. Once she had done that, she shifted her right index finger onto the sniper's trigger, slowly applying pressure.

Breathe in. Breathe out.

Just before she was about to pull it fully, the click of a gun and the feeling of cold metal against the back of her head made her finger freeze in its place.

"Who are you?" A rough voice demanded, clearly another young man by its tone.

"Just a nobody doing their job." The woman responded, reapplying the pressure to the trigger. Her voice was harsh and gravelly as she spoke louder, not one that the man was expecting.

"Pull that trigger and I pull mine." The man threatened, which only caused the woman to scoff at his words.

"Now now," she rolled her eyes under her hat, which the man couldn't see. "There's no need to get agressive with me, Jay. Or should I say Park Jongseong?"

The man, Jay, inhaled sharply. "How do you know my name? Who do you work for?!"

"Ji, don't aggravate him. I really don't want to deal with it later." Jaeyun pleaded through her earpiece.

"Look," the woman sighed exasperatedly, ignoring Jaeyun and keeping her eyes locked on her target. "If you have a problem with me, take it up with Jake. But right now, you're interfering with my work."

"Are you serious?"

"Jake? You know Jake?" Jay confusedly withdrew his gun and flicked the safety back on, re-sheathing it in the holster at his hip. In his other hand, he held a black plastic case.

"Yes, now kindly fuck off and let me finish my job."

Her words were light-hearted but the tone of her voice said otherwise, an obvious threat. Jay took quick notice of this and hesitantly disappeared into the darkness, fumbling to find his phone to make a call and leaving the woman alone once more. However, something told her that wouldn't be the last time she saw him.

She brushed off the strange yet amusing encounter and adjusted her position, her body slowly becoming sore from the cold and the long wait.

Her target had yet to move a muscle, save for the occasional mouse movement and clicking. Satisfied with the man's ignorance, she aimed and took the shot.

The silencer was effective to some degree. It wasn't like the movies where there was no sound at all. Silencers are mostly meant to muffle the explosion from the bullet leaving the chamber, and it only very slightly dampens the sound.

But despite that, the job was a success. The bullet flew true to its target and pierced through the glass window, not shattering it, and burying itself in the man's head. The man immediately fell limp and he collapsed at his desk, his computer still on and running.

"Target eliminated."

She wouldn't lie that she found some satisfaction in killing, just watching the dark crimson blood begin to pool on the man's desk was exhilarating to a point. She welcomed the adrenaline rush it gave her after she pulled the trigger, relishing in the vindicating action.

"Good job. That's one more off the list. Meet me at the rendezvous." Jaeyun instructed before signing off, the comm falling silent after his departure.

The woman began deftly disassembling her sniper rifle and packing it away in its case. The black metal was cool to the touch, only the barrel and chamber holding any sign of warmth. And without sparing a second glance, she grabbed the metal case by its handle and vanished from the rooftop without a trace.

Elsewhere, the young man known as Jay, or Jongseong, arrived back at his base. There, he ran into another young man who followed him down to the basement.

Jay's mood was sour as he slammed the black case he was carrying down onto the table in front of him. The other man watched his antics with a smirk, repressing the urge to push his buttons even more.

The former was already irked with the results of his mission and the cheerful attitude of the other man didn't help whatsoever. So, when the man mockingly asked a question, Jay just about lost it.

"So, how'd it go, Jay?"



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Target Locked // [Enhypen Mafia AU]Where stories live. Discover now