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—Chapter 15—


Jiseon and Sunoo headed out to her truck. The van - which had been parked next to it the night before - was gone, confirming the fact that the others were out of the house.

"There's an old warehouse on one of the docks by the river." Sunoo explained as the two climbed into the truck and began the short trip out of the neighborhood. "I was told to meet our acquaintance there. I'll give you directions once we get out onto the main road."

Jiseon hummed in response, silently following Sunoo's directions. She was still very much on edge.

Why did Sunoo need her help? Despite what he had said, he was more than perfectly capable of defending himself if he needed to. She was well aware of that. Plus they're not close enough to be going on missions together in the first place.

And why would they agree to meet in an abandoned warehouse? How convenient for everyone else to be busy as well...

However, she still did not make her suspicions known. She had a very strong feeling that the others were in on this in one way or another. Call it a sixth sense gained from spending many years as a hitman.

Soon, they pulled up into an empty parking lot alongside the Han River. In front of them was a decently sized warehouse, the surroundings barren of anything except a few old and rusted cargo containers.

The warehouse itself was basically a white concrete rectangle. It had a big manual garage door on the side facing the parking lot along with some windows scattered across its walls, the glass dirty and fogged up.

A single door was placed next to the garage door, to which Sunoo made a beeline towards with Jiseon in tow. She whipped out a six-inch blade she had brought without Sunoo's knowledge and held it discreetly at her side.

She trailed the younger boy into the dark building, straining her ears to listen for any hint of movement in the dead silence. An almost inaudible shuffle of feet caught her attention. Someone else was here.

She gripped the handle of her blade tighter as Sunoo skipped towards the center of the room, calling out in a disturbingly loud voice. "I'm here~!"

Suddenly, the bad feeling she had been getting spiked. She sensed a presence behind her and a large hand enclosing around her left arm.

The sound of multiple footsteps echoed and drew closer to where the two of them and the unknown person were standing.

Heart pumping, Jiseon lifted one foot and slammed it back into the knee of the person behind her. A pained curse was heard as the person's, now known as a man, hand sprung away from her arm.

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