Fun Facts

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Here are a few fun facts about this book:

•this was originally going to be a stray kids book

•chapters were going to be almost 3k (3,000) words each but I decided to split them up to increase the amount of chapters

•I was in the process of writing this for stray kids for over a year and a half, around January 2022, before I changed it to enhypen around the end of July 2023

•I had written up to chapter 12 - originally chapter 7, I believe - with stray kids as the focus and then went through and changed everything to fit enhypen

•Jiseon was originally going to be named Jaeseong with the nickname Jae, but I realized that once I changed it to an enhypen book that it wouldn't mix well with Jay

•I discovered that I'm really not a writer LOL

•I think that characters feel bland and boring, no personality, but maybe it's just me

•I really wasn't able to do my ideas justice as I have trouble converting my thoughts down into actual writing

•I wanted it to be more serious and have their personalities be more cold and emotionless but it just ended up not being the case

•I also wanted more mission scenes but I felt that it would become repetitive and boring

•overall, it didn't really turn out the way that I wanted but I hope it was enjoyable nonetheless


If you have any questions for me, ask them here:


I will go through them and answer them to the best of my abilities, so please feel free to ask me anything!


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