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—Chapter 26—


Jiseon was on the road again, listening to the news on the radio describe the events that had taken place at the motel.

"Breaking news: A gun fight broke out at the old motel on Tong-il Road in Seoul City this afternoon.

Witnesses claim that a number of thirteen individuals were spotted shooting firearms at each other in the parking lot.

Twelve of these individuals were identified as being male, the thirteenth individual being female.

What could have caused this sudden act of violence?

Is it mafia related?

Stay tuned to find out more."

She turned the radio off, tired of listening to the reporter's robotic voice buzzing in her ears.

Jiseon parked in a small wooded area, out of view of the main streets nearby.

She got out of her truck and made her way down the embankment and up to the water's edge.

This was a little hidden spot along the Han River that she had discovered a few years ago and she used it as her personal relaxation place.

She often came here to clear her mind and get away from the stressors that came with the job of being a hitman.

She was unaware of anyone else having discovered the spot, much to her relief. She liked having it as a private refuge for herself.

The gentle breeze ruffled her hair and she shivered lightly. She had forgotten to grab a new jacket on her way out and the chilly spring air was not generous to her.

A wave of peace and tranquillity washed over her distraught mind and she finally felt like she could breathe.

She gazed out at the calm waters of the river, the flash of fish darting around under the clear water catching her eyes.

Oh, how she wished she could be like the fish. Whisking through the water without a care in the world.



Suddenly, a large bird swooped down and snatched the fish up in its talons. It's massive wings beating against the air, it lifted itself up, the fish twisting and squirming in its grasp.

Target Locked // [Enhypen Mafia AU]Where stories live. Discover now