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—Chapter 24—


"What?!" Jiseon strutted forward and slammed her hands down onto the table, startling Ni-ki and Jay who were closest to her. Her narrowed eyes dared Jungwon to confirm the words Sunghoon had spoken. "Don't mess around like this. It's not funny."

To put it simply, she was livid. How dare they bring up her dead brother and claim that he was alive? She had seen the video of him dying.

Or did she?

A small seed of doubt planted itself in her mind. The video didn't clearly show Youngjoon getting killed. The camera fell right before the gunshot. Her hands shook as she came to the realization.

"We got a tip that he's alive and well. His location is not far from us." Jungwon's voice was small as he eyed her carefully from across the table. He didn't want to anger more than they already had by mentioning Youngjoon. "I was going to have you and Jake go and check in on him. Are you willing to do that?"

"Yes." There was no hesitation in her reply, her eyes determined to uncover the truth. "Where is he now?"

"Room 405 at the motel on Tong-il Road." The words had barely left his lips when Jiseon stood up straight and rushed out the door, not stopping to wait for Jake as he hastily shoved his chair back and ran after her. The others were left in an uncomfortable silence following the two's departure.

"Jungwon, was it really a good idea to send her in that state? Who knows what she might do." Sunoo questioned warily. Unease had settles in all of their stomachs upon hearing the news.

"That's why we're going to tail them. There's something off about the tip I received. I can't quite put my finger on it but something's up for sure." Jungwon shared the same worries as the rest of them. "Let's head out. Load up too, there's no telling what could happen."

They all stood, ready to leave when Sunoo intercepted two of them much to their dismay.

"Jay, Sunghoon. You two are still recovering, so stay here." He demanded, looking to Jungwon for back up.

"He's right." Jungwon reluctantly agreed, secretly hoping Sunoo would have forgotten. They could use the extra manpower, but the doctor's orders were law in this case. "Let's go."


Jake and Jiseon were already in the truck and headed down the road as the others hurried to chase after them. Jake was aware that the others were tailing them and habitually checked his phone for updates from Heeseung who was keeping him in the loop.

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