Broken (Camsé Drabble)

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Remember that one angsty drabble about Camden thinking Rosé was going to come home? Well here's another part
Trigger warning for death and grief

Camden stared out the window, making no movement. Bosco wasn't even sure if she was breathing. She kept an eye on her from her own space on the couch, sighing quietly to herself. She knew what Camden was looking for. She knew she wasn't going to get it.

The smaller girl didn't even turn to look at Daya when she entered the room. Daya watched her for a moment before shaking her head and taking a seat beside Bosco.

"So, how was therapy?" She asked quietly, not wanting Camden to hear her. But she had a feeling she was too far into her current delusion to actually listen to a word she said.

Bosco just leaned against her shoulder. "No progress again." She admitted. "This is the third one I've found for her and there's still nothing they've been able to do."

The two girls glanced over at their friend who remained still. Daya sighed. "You think we'll ever get her back?"

Bosco hesitated for a moment before slowly shaking her head. "Not that I'm giving up on her, I just...think she's too far gone."

The house fell silent. Camden continued to watch out the window. She was waiting for her. Waiting for her to come home. She would wait for hours at a time. But she never came.

She was starting to realize it wasn't going to happen. Rosé wasn't coming home.

"...Bosco?" She whispered, a tear running down her face.

Bosco jumped, quickly turning to face her. "What's wrong?"

Camden's eyes never left the window. "...She's not coming home, is she?"

Daya's eyes widened. She glanced up at Bosco, waiting to see how she'd answer. Bosco bit her lip, pulling herself up and walking over to her. "Cam..."

"Rosé isn't coming home, is she?" Camden repeated, finally turning away from the glass to look up at Bosco with teary eyes.

Bosco flinched, shaking her head a little before laying a hand on Camden's shoulder. "N-No, she isn't..." She answered. "I'm so sorry..."

Camden tried to swallow the lump in her throat. She stood up, her tears starting to really fall now. She had broken. "Okay..." She whispered.

Bosco and Daya watched their friend retreat to her room. The room she had once shared with Rosé. There was nothing they could do now but keep an even closer eye on her.

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