Too Far (Luxrene Drabble)

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Angst. You've been warned.

Luxx didn't mean to strike a nerve. No, she wasn't the best at watching her mouth. Especially when it got heated and she was pissed off. But she had taken it too far tonight. And there was no taking it back. Not when Irene had let tears fall in front of her for the first time.

She watched with wide eyes as Irene left the room. "Wait-" Luxx hurried after her, trying to grab onto her hand. Irene just pulled it away the moment she felt Luxx's fingertips brush against hers. "Baby I didn't mean that-"

"Sure you didn't." Irene mumbled, silent tears falling down her face. She tried to shut the bedroom door behind her, but Luxx grabbed it before she could.

"I swear I didn't-" Luxx insisted, starting to panic when seeing Irene throw a bag onto the bed and open their closet. "...W-What are you?-"

"I'm not staying here tonight." Irene said, her voice cold. That scared Luxx more than any sort of anger Irene could show. She sounded defeated. Like it wasn't worth fighting against anything Luxx had said.

Luxx shook her head, trying to stop her from tossing clothes into her bag. "Irene please-" She pleaded, her own eyes starting to fill with tears. "Please don't leave. I'm so-"

"Don't apologize." Irene said quietly, not meeting her eyes. She didn't want her partner to see her crying. She already felt weak enough. And she hated it. "Not if it's just going to be empty and have no meaning."

"B-But it does-" Luxx claimed, heart pounding in her chest as she watched Irene shove clothes into the bag. "Irene I promise it does. I-I didn't mean-"

"I can't do this anymore." Irene whispered, afraid that if she raised her voice anymore than that it'll just cause more tears to spill. "You take things too far sometimes. I've managed to keep it together but tonight is just enough. I can't do this anymore."

Luxx felt her heart sink, her tears spilling over now. "Irene..." She involuntarily whimpered. "Baby please..."

"I love you. I love you so much." Irene's voice shook as she closed her bag. "That's why it hurts so much. If I didn't love you it wouldn't make me feel this way..."

Luxx sniffled, wiping her face with a shaking hand. "I-I love you too, that's why I didn't mean what I said. I swear to everything that's holy, Irene I didn't mean it..."

She became more desperate the more she spoke. Irene pulled her bag over her shoulders, texting as best as she could with her own shaking hands. "I'm staying with Bosco tonight." She whispered. "Make sure to kiss Tofu goodnight for me."

She started to leave the room, and Luxx fell into a full blown panic. "Irene please don't-" She followed her out, grabbing onto her arm. "P-Please don't leave. I-I can fix this. I-I swear I can fix-"

"I don't know if I can believe you right now." Irene whispered, not looking at her. She feared that seeing Luxx cry would make her  want to stay and comfort her. When in reality she was the one who needed comforting. "Please, Luxx. I don't want to stay here tonight..."

Luxx held her tighter, biting her lip hard enough to draw blood. "O-Okay..." She eventually whispered, letting go of her and wrapping her arms around herself. "Okay. Y-You can go. But please come back..."

Irene turned to the door, letting out a shaky sigh. "I'll see..." She mumbled.

"T-Text me when you get to Bosco's house?" Luxx asked. "So I know you're safe...?"

Irene was silent before giving a small nod, sniffling quietly and opening the door. She didn't look back before closing it behind her, more tears running down her face when she did.

Luxx was left alone. Alone and unsure if Irene was coming back.


That felt nice

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