Forget (Luxrene Drabble)

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"Did you think it'd be easy?"

Luxx jumped, her eyes snapping open wide. She turned around when she heard the voice behind her, her breathing feeling like too much but not enough at the same time. Her heart pounded in her chest when her eyes landed on the girl's glowing frame.

Everything was dark except for Irene. She stepped closer, her steps making no sound. "Answer me. I know it's not your voice that you've lost."

Luxx's throat went dry. "I-I-" She stuttered.

"Did you think it'd be easy to forget me?" Irene asked more specifically this time. "Or are you just running?"

Luxx backed away when she grew closer, only resulting in discovering that the area behind her was solid. She was trapped.

Irene stepped closer, so close that Luxx could've felt her breath on her skin. But she didn't have that. She had no choice but to meet her eyes. Eyes that she expected to be angry and full of rage, but were only filled with hurt and vulnerability.

The air grew freezing cold. "I never forgot you." Irene whispered, sending chills down Luxx's spine. Her voice sounded so close yet so far away, almost like it was unreal. "Even here trapped in this place, I never forgot you."

Luxx started to shiver, not knowing how to answer. She opened her mouth to speak, only for Irene to close the space between them before quickly disappearing the moment they touched.

Luxx woke up with a gasp, sitting up straight in bed and shaking heavily. She had that nightmare way too many times before. It was always the same thing. And no matter how many times she had it, she was never able to answer Irene's question.

There was a strong arm around her waist that gently pulled her closer. Luxx looked down to find Loosey still asleep. Her girlfriend of a few months had stayed with her that night. Luxx didn't have those nightmares until she started seeing her.

She hesitantly laid back down, letting Loosey hold her close. Yet she stared at the ceiling with tears pooling in her eyes.

"I didn't forget." She whispered quietly. "But it hurts too much to remember."


Ghost/demon Irene go brrr

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