Please Stay (Crygi Drabble)

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Canon compliant

"Crys?" Crystal woke up to her name being whispered and her arm nudged. She turned over in bed, finding Gigi still wide awake next to her.

She yawned, rubbing her eyes before resting an arm around Gigi's waist. "What's wrong, baby?" She asked quietly, her eyes falling shut again.

Gigi moved closer to her, letting out a soft sigh. "Are you leaving in the morning?" She asked, tracing her fingertip over Crystal's arm.

Crystal had been planning on that, but she knew it was going to be hard to. She tightened her hold on Gigi and opened her eyes again. "I mean, I was supposed to..."

Gigi shyly nuzzled her head into the crook of Gigi's neck. "Do you have to?" Her voice was muffled. "I don't know if I'm ready to let you go yet..."

Crystal felt her heart melt. She placed a hand on Gigi's hip, gently lifting her up a little closer. "If you don't want me to go, then I don't think I can."

"I don't want you to." Gigi held onto Crystal's shirt tightly in her hand, like she was trying to keep her by her side. "Please stay."

Crystal smiled a little, pulling her in for soft kiss that Gigi gladly returned. She moved her head down to Crystal's chest, letting out a sigh of content when feeling her starting to play with her hair.

"Is that why you were still awake?" She asked, watching as Gigi's eyes started to close from her gentle touch.

"Mhm..." Gigi answered quietly, wrapping her arms tightly around her torso. "Hard to sleep if I know you'll be gone in the morning."

Crystal kissed her forehead, reaching for the end of the blanket and pulling it up over her. "I'll stay as long as you want me to."

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