Jasya Headcanons (Canon Compliant)

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I'll be doing all three of the Jasmine ships I mentioned but let's start with my favorite


- The day Daya came to Vegas to start Drag Race Live was the happiest day of Jasmine's life.

- She met her at the airport and couldn't stop herself from practically throwing herself in Daya's arms.

- She was so excited to introduce Daya to her cats and Daya thought it was the most adorable thing.

- They play a lot of video games together. Mainly Legend of Zelda.

- Jasmine won't play Animal Crossing with Daya anymore because she'll just chase her around with the net to hit her.

- Daya gets so protective when they go out to clubs. The moment someone looks at Jasmine in a way she doesn't like her arm is being wrapped around her waist and she's making it known that Jasmine is hers.

- Jasmine's so clingy and just won't let go of Daya in the mornings.

- Daya's such a protective big spoon and it makes Jasmine feel so much smaller than she really is but that's okay because she also feels safe.

- She likes tracing Daya's tattoos. Whether it be with her fingertips or with her lips. The important thing is it gets Daya to blush.

- Especially when it comes to that butterfly tattoo.

- They really don't fight all that often but when they do and Daya ends up on the couch for the night, it doesn't last long before Jasmine is making herself comfortable on top of her.

- And then they forget what they were arguing about in the morning.

- Backstage snuggles during Drag Race Live yes please.

- Lawrence makes fun of them whenever she catches them.

- And Jorgeous calls them mom and dad.

- Daya purposefully puts things up high so Jasmine has to ask her for help. Which means she either gets lifted up by her hips or Daya holds whatever she was getting over her head and she has to climb her to get it.


- The mirror faces the bed because Daya likes to make Jasmine watch herself get absolutely ruined.

- Jasmine's a slut for having her hair pulled and Daya knows it.

- Jasmine is so incredibly easy to pin down even when she tries to get on top of Daya. The only way that is happening is if Daya lifts her up to sit her on her hips.

- They fucked in the dressing room once and Jaida walked in on them and screamed.

- She won't ever let them live that down.

- Technically it was Jorgeous' fault because yeah they forgot to lock the door but she knew they were fucking and still asked Jaida to go get her something.

- Daya meant what she said when she said she loves to eat ass. Jasmine definitely learned that. But still asks Daya to prove it.

- And oh does Daya prove it-

- Daya's also obsessed with thighs. More specifically biting down on Jasmine's.

- Jasmine just sounds so pretty when she begs

- Their height difference makes it so easy for Daya to toss her around a little. All while praising Jasmine and making all thoughts leave her head.

- Jasmine always gets what she wants. That includes getting to watch Daya touch herself.

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