Pepbers Headcanons (Lesbian AU)

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Is this the ship name? I think it is. Idk but I love them

- Calm and collected girlfriend and ADHD chaos girlfriend

- Jonbers has no braincells and Peppa has all of them.

- Peppa originally found the pretty blonde bimbo extremely annoying, but then they get paired together for a class project in high school and the rest is history.

- They are complete opposites in every way, but there's just something so charming and pure about their relationship that makes everyone smile.

- Double/Triple dates with Danny and Pixie and Cheddar and Copper are always fun. Just not when Jonbers gets so wasted she tries fighting someone who looks at Peppa wrong.

- Jonbers is so easy to fluster. All Peppa has to do is kiss her cheek and her face turns bright red and she gets all giggly.

- Peppa won't admit it out loud, but she thinks it's the cutest thing she's ever seen.

- Their love languages are completely different. Jonbers' is touch and Peppa's is communication. While Peppa struggles to physically show affection sometimes, she gets better at it for Jonbers. And while Jonbers finds it hard to focus and gets sidetracked while talking a lot, she gets better at it for Peppa.

- Peppa has gotten so used to Jonbers finding a way to sleep right on top of her every night that she hardly notices the weight now. But she finds out when she's alone for a night that she can't sleep without her like that anymore.

- Peppa lost Jonbers at a party one time so the next time they went to one she tied a balloon to her girlfriend's wrist so she'd be able to find her when she wanders off.

- Jonbers may not be the smartest but she is extremely sexy when she wants to be.

- She also has a tendency to accidentally think out loud. Sometimes at the worst moments too.

- They were making out one day and Peppa was trying to take it further until Jonbers asked "Were pirates real?" And Peppa just stopped and stared at her.

- They watched Pirates of the Caribbean later though.

- One time Peppa called Jonbers "Lucky Charms" and it made her sob and Peppa panicked because she didn't mean to upset her but Jonbers was just laughing so hard she was crying.

- But God forbid Danny or Cheddar calls her that. All hell will be unleashed in the form of a blonde bimbo


I need to write more of these two

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