Sunrise (Camsé Drabble)

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Camden felt herself being gently nudged, opening her eyes a little and yawning. "Too early." She whispered, curling up further into her bunk on the tour bus with one of Rosé's hoodies in her arms.

She was nudged again. "Wake up." Rosé whispered quietly, resting her hand on Camden's side. "Please?"

Camden woke up a little more when she heard her voice. She turned over and rubbed her eyes, finding the other queen standing outside of her bunk. "What happened?"

Rosé turned around, motioning for her to follow. Camden watched her walk back to the front of the bus before she yawned and pulled herself up out of her bunk. She followed her quietly so she wouldn't wake the others, finding Rosé sitting in the seats near the bus windows.

"What did you need?" Camden asked as she sat beside her, leaning against her shoulder and following her gaze out the window.

Rosé shrugged a bit. "Just you." She whispered. "I couldn't fall back to sleep."

Camden smiled a little, glancing up at her. "You sap."

"Am not-" Rosé said a little too loud, hushing herself when hearing one of the other queens shift in their bunk.

Camden waited until they were settled before speaking again. "So since you couldn't sleep that means I can't either?"

"Exactly." Rosé said, focusing on the mountains they passed by and the sky that was starting to brighten.

Camden snuggled under her arm, letting the taller queen wrap it around her. "You're lucky I love you." She said through a yawn, returning her eyes to the window.

Rosé leaned her head against the top of hers. "Extremely lucky." She said quietly, almost to where Camden couldn't hear her.

But she did. She tilted her head up, pressing a kiss to her jaw and smiling when seeing a soft blush form on Rosé's cheeks. She was about to point it out and playfully tease her, until Rosé's face lit up.

"Look at the sunrise." She pointed to it like an excited kid. So Camden did, smiling more from Rosé's excitement about it.

"It's pretty." She said, leaning closer against her and soaking in the warmth and comfort she provided.

"Like you." Rosé said with little to no hesitation, only tearing her eyes away from the sun to look down at the queen beside her.

Camden rolled her eyes and shook her head, unable to hold back the giggle that escaped her lips. "You're being a sap again."

Rosé huffed but smiled, her arm around Camden's waist just tightening before they both looked back out at the sunrise. "I guess I am."

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