Hiding (Dayasco Drabble)

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Daya and Bosco have a secret. A big secret.

"You two are hiding something." Camden said, narrowing her eyes at the two other queens in the dressing room. "I can tell."

"What are you talking about?" Bosco raised a brow, putting her makeup brush down so she could face her.

"You two have been acting all different. Like you're keeping something from us." Camden was insistent and she wasn't going to be persuaded. "So when are you going to tell me?"

"We have nothing to tell you. You're just paranoid of people finding out your secret so you're projecting on us." Daya took a seat beside Bosco, a sly smile on her face.

Camden almost choked. "I am not-"

Rosé turned around from where she was getting dressed, giving Camden a look. "Don't even."

Camden shut right up, turning to the mirror and fixing her blonde wig. "Okay. But I'm still convinced you two are acting different."

Bosco and Daya shared a look, both of them trying not to smile. "Whatever you say, Cam. Whatever you say." Daya returned to adjusting the choker around her neck.

Rosé shook her head when she was done getting dressed and took Camden's hand. "See you at the meet and greet." She said, looking the two other queens over before smiling knowingly and leading Camden out of the dressing room behind her.

Bosco and Daya made sure they were gone before looking at each other again. Bosco giggled, reaching into a pocket in her makeup bag and pulling out her newest ring. Her engagement ring. She held it up and gazed at it in admiration. "You think they're suspicious?"

"Nope. Not at all." Daya smiled as she watched her fiance slip the ring onto her finger. "Not one bit."

Bosco turned to her and leaned in to kiss her lips light enough so their lipstick didn't smudge. "You think we'll tell them soon?"

Daya reached out for her, wrapping her arms around her waist when the smaller queen settled herself into her lap. "Maybe. But right now it's just fun to drive Camden insane."

Bosco giggled, kissing Daya's temple and leaving behind a lipstick stain. She adjusted her partner's wig to hide it. "And we won't hear the end of it from Rosé if we make her jealous."

"Nope." Daya took her hand and laced their fingers together, gazing down at the ring on Bosco's finger. She raised their hands to kiss the top of Bosco's softly. "I love you."

Bosco smiled and wrapped her arms around Daya's neck. "I love you too."

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