The Summer Camp AU

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I don't have time to write a full fic of this at the moment but damn I have so many ideas. Have some headcanons and just fun little rambles of mine for now.

- Sasha runs this campground like it's the army. She has everything so carefully planned and tries her best to make everything run smoothly.

- Only problem is her staff is filled with a bunch of bimbos. And Mistress, who's supposed to be her assistant, doesn't exactly help very much.

- Irene is one of the cool counselors all the campers want because she doesn't follow many of the rules. Bosco gets little sister privileges and gets to be in her cabin.

- Luxx is full bimbo and is not at all good at the games and competitive stuff they have to do sometimes and therefore kinda makes the campers in her cabin cringe.

- But her and Irene have a pretty big rivalry they keep up to hide their feelings for each other. Even though the campers have caught on and ship them together.

- Loosey is the lifeguard who probably shouldn't be the lifeguard. She's kinda dumb. And might not even know how to actually swim. But Irene jokes that her boobs keep her afloat.

- Poor tiny Jorgeous almost drowned because Loosey was flirting with one of the new camp counselors and her little legs couldn't reach the bottom of the pool. It was Aura who pulled her out of the water.

- Aura is the other cool camp counselor all the campers want. She's really good at all the sports and her and Irene take volleyball a little too seriously.

- At least she doesn't purposefully hit Luxx in the chest with the ball like Irene does.

- Marcia runs all the little arts and crafts activities. She comes up with all of them herself and makes all the examples. She also makes sure the trouble triplets (Crystal, Daya, and Lux) don't eat all the glue.

- Maddy and Jasmine have also gotten sick from all the glitter they've consumed when Marcia isn't looking.

- It's safe to say that Robin, the camp nurse, really dreads arts and crafts time.

- Anetra is in charge of keeping everyone safe during hikes. That is an incredibly difficult thing to do with campers that are this chaotic.

- But Kerri she protects with her life. Because she'd get fired if she didn't. But also because if she shows how good she can be with her that might impress the young girl's mother, Sasha.

- She's only lost two kids on a hike and thankfully found them. Camden and Rosé had wandered off because Camden saw a pretty bird and wanted to follow it. And the other young girl wasn't letting her go alone. She told Anetra she only followed so she could "fight off bears so Camden can watch the bird better."

- Mistress is technically supposed to help her with the hiking but claims she's way too busy for that. By busy she means she's always messing with one of the camp chefs. Sometimes Malaysia wishes Anetra would come force Mistress away, and sometimes she enjoys the company. But only when she can bite back and catch Mistress off guard.

- Lake day is a mess.

- Turns out 10/11 year olds really love getting into trouble if you aren't watching them for a split second.

- Jonbers hit her head hard because her and Peppa thought it'd be fun to climb up a ton of rocks and jump from there. Jonbers didn't even make it to the water. She slipped on the rock.

- Robin was very stressed that day. She doesn't even want to know what she saw Daya eating in the water. She isn't dead yet so it couldn't have been that bad.

- Bosco found a lot of pretty rocks that she absolutely refused to leave without. Irene didn't want to make her cry so she helped her carry them to the vans and back to the campground.

- The only good thing about lake day is that it absolutely exhausts all of the kids and it makes it so much easier to get them into bed that night.

- Turns out it's not easy for 18/19 year olds to get kids into bed by 10pm.

Now here are the cabins (At least what I've figured out so far):

Luxx's Cabin:
- Camden
- Kerri
- Lana (Her little sister)
- Jasmine
- Maddy
- Gigi

Irene's Cabin:
- Bosco
- Daya
- Crystal
- Lux
- Rosé
- Angie
- All of Bosco's new pet rocks

Aura's Cabin:
- Jorgeous
- Orion
- Jan
- Jaida
- Jackie
- Willow

Sugar and Spice's Cabin (They aren't sure what they're doing but they're trying their best with most of the international campers):
- Jonbers
- Peppa
- Nicky
- Lemon
- Priyanka
- Vivian
- Irma

- It's all fun and games until one night Luxx and Irene notice they each have a camper missing. Camden and Rosé specifically. And they aren't super happy to be working together to find where they ran off to.


If I can find the time I'd love to make this either a series of one shots or a full short fic. We'll see what happens.

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