Better This Way (Dayasco Drabble)

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To hold everyone over until I publish a real one shot have this

Daya opened her eyes early the next morning when she felt the bed shift beside her. She turned over, finding Bosco awake and gathering up her clothes that had been dropped to the floor that night. Dread immediately filled the taller girl's body as she watched. She hated this part.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." Bosco said when she glanced over to see the other girl watching her. She pulled her shorts on and ran a hand through her hair a little awkwardly.

Daya snapped out of her daze when she heard her. "N-No, you didn't wake me..." She said quietly, looking away from her.

Bosco tilted her head a bit but nodded, returning to getting dressed. She pulled her shirt on over her head, trying not to look back at Daya. She was almost afraid to.

But then Daya spoke again. "You always leave..." She whispered, and Bosco almost felt like she wasn't supposed to hear her.

She sighed. "You know I have to." She said quietly. "It's better this way."

"It doesn't feel better this way." Daya's voice was small and sounded almost scared. Bosco couldn't help but glance back over at her.

She found her with her back towards her, curled up in a ball that made her somehow look small. Bosco felt the guilt sink in. It was never easy to leave. Not when it came to Daya. Things were always different with her. Things always felt real with her.

She looked away and down at the floor where her bag laid. "...I guess it doesn't..."

The room fell silent. Daya sniffled quietly, her hand only coming up from under the blankets to rub her eyes. Bosco was immediately alerted, her heart aching in her chest.

She found herself slowly sinking back down onto the bed. She curled up beside the other girl, her arms snaking around her waist to pull her back closer against her chest. Daya went stiff, her eyes snapping open wide.

It took a moment, but she turned over and held onto Bosco just as tightly. "Y-You're staying...?"

Bosco nodded, her lips brushing against Daya's forehead. "It feels better this way." She whispered.

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